Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The last hurrah!

Curtville and Calgaryville will soon be a distant memory. We are so glad about that in many respects and in others, not so much. The biggest "Not So Much" category is the friends we are leaving behind. These are some great people! This is, I guess, the only reason we find it hard to leave.

We got the U-Haul packed up on Saturday and drove back to Swift Current that same day. We were SO tired when we finally rolled into town. Sunday we drove out to the house and unloaded into the garage. It didn't take nowhere's near as long as the packing did, and the packing went quick. Monday we drove back to Calgary as we felt, after an incident the week prior, that leaving our place vacant for the remaining week would not be wise. So, here we are. Camping in our living room while a wind storm rages outside. We actually saw the shingles peal off our neighbors car port - crazy! We head back to Swift this Friday morning so hopefully the place can remain intact until the other people become the proud, new owners.

We are going to miss our friends here. Let's not lose touch, K?!



Jim said...

Wow - almost gone! I'd say we'll miss you, but you're not moving much farther away from us. :)

Curt said...

Hey, thanks man. You're making me blush...kinda.

Colleen said...

Hey Curt! I'm one day late but ♪HIPPO BIRDIE TWO EWE!♫ I hope it was a rockin' good day, ya old dude. :)