Thursday, October 29, 2009

The 'net in the Deck

Here I sit. Madly typing away. I'm not typing quickly or in a fast way when I say "madly". I'm typing and I'm mad. Why? Because things in my little world are not how I want them to be. This is the kind of person I am - the reactor. I react to pretty much everything. So, what is the latest thing attracting my ire? The internet!

Out here in the outback know as Waldeck I have "high speed" internet. Of the many things I knew would change when we moved here from Calgary I thought the internet was not one of them. I have suddenly noticed within the last two weeks how crappy my internet connection has become. You see, I am a gamer. I love computer games! I am into one right now, Call of Duty 4, that I play online. Well I have been noticing lately that whenever I try to play I am not able to get onto a server because I have a high ping rate. When I say "high", that's exactly what it is. I surfed the net to get some answers about this and other gamers say their high ping rate is in the 150 to 200 zone. Well, that's my normal ping rate. My high has been 2500 to 3000, but mostly in the 1700 to 2300 range. What does this mean for poor ol' Curt? No winding down at night in my man cave destroying evil foes and bad guys. Why is this so? I pay for "high speed". Should I not get what I pay for? Are there different "high speeds"? Who determines what is high speed? Is there a range? I had high speed in Calgary and it was a rare exception that I could not get onto a game server to play. Out in Waldeck, forget about it!

So, this little tragedy plays out, and I am its mad victim. I don't mean that I'm going mad, I know!
