Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time for a change?

When we moved back to Swift Current we started attending the Alliance Church we left all those many years ago. In those days it was what it was. The first Church I had went to after I became a Christian. These were my brothers and sisters in Christ, for good and for ill. It would be an understatement to say that we have changed a little in the preceding years. Although I'm sure this part of the body of Christ has changed, I still see the same...bent, if you the message and direction and will. This direction is towards missions and evangelism. Not surprising, as this is what the Alliance Church is known for. And, these are not bad things in and of themselves. It's the WAY these things are gone about that has been kinda picking away at me all these years.

We would attend the services from time to time over the years and it's the same message dressed up differently and given new names - There is a new program (insert name) that we're promoting. Let's get excited about Christ. Let's go out there and win this city for Jesus. Let's be contagious Christians. Let's pray more. Witness more. Do more. More more. These are great things but I find I'm not buying it anymore. The underlying thing I see here is the mentality that WE/I have to get on board and start doing all this stuff. Once I find my passion, my spiritual gift(s), once I determine my evangelism style, etc., etc., I will then be prepared to win souls for Jesus. Although Jesus is mentioned it seems the bent is towards self reliance, rather than reliance on Him. Instead of learning about Him, about my sin and God's wrath and how much we NEED Him, our Savior, there are endless programs teaching us how to do God's work for Him. I'm lead to believe that if I do all this stuff that people will get saved. But wait a minute! Salvation, conviction of sin, bringing sinners to repentance - this is all GOD'S work. We are HIS instruments, His hands, His feet. He makes the opportunities to share my faith, not me. He uses this dirtbag that is me for His glory, if He so chooses. He chastises me when I sin and shows me that there is NOTHING in me that can even remotely come close to doing what HE does. I can't drum up the energy to be more Christlike. Only Christ can be Christ. HE does that IN me.

I am reminded of the story in the Old Testament where King Saul has been commanded to destroy Amalek. He destroys all but the very best of Amalek. He kept the very best of what God had utterly condemned and then offered it to God. He was rejected as King by God through the prophet Samuel. This same thing is happening here. God has condemned the flesh, the sinful nature, in us nailing it to the cross. Instead we are taking the good stuff of the sinful nature (WE will win this city for Him. WE will pray more. WE will learn more about OUR evangelism style. etc. WE, WE, I, I) and offering it to God. The desire is admirable but how we go about it is not. How can we offer to God what he has already condemened? "It is God who works in us both to will and to do according to His good pleasure." It is God, and not me, who is the Source of this Christian life. No amount of my praying more, doing more, saying more will change this even one iota towards the good unless He is the source of it.

I think that the more I learn about who Jesus is and what He has done for me and what He continues to do for me - in essence, a relationship with Him - will true evangelism happen. I will not have to work up the effort to go out there and tell others about Jesus. I have opportunities come to me as I go about my daily life. I will not have to learn about my evangelism style because Jesus Christ, if He so chooses, uses plain old, sinful, ugly me where I'm at and how I am. It is true freedom knowing that HE can take care of Himself and that His kingdom is not dependant on how I perform here "for Him".

So, I think we may be saying, "Good bye", to this particular portion of the Body of Christ and moving to another. Not sure where that may be yet but I hope the search will not be a long one.

1 comment:

D+ said...

Good thoughts, Curt. I have similar feelings about North American evangelicalism. There is certainly a problem when the "mission of God" morphs into "busy-work." In addition to being exhausting, it is spiritually and theologically empty. I'm cheering you on for pointing this out.

If I may be so bold, Curt, might I suggest that you reconsider your decision to church (s)hop. Why not use some of these insights that you have gained to serve Christ in the Alliance Church? Why not allow Christ to do his work in and through you in the congregation of which you are already a part? You mentioned that the congregation you are currently a part of nurtured you and your wife spiritually in the early days of your Christian life. Perhaps, part of your service to Christ can be to enrich these "spiritual relatives" of yours with some of the things you and your wife have learned.

Of course, such a commitment would require lots of patience and lots of love. But it can also be an act of spiritual discipline to remain where you are, stomach the stuff that frustrates you, and pray and work for change. In addition to growing yourself, you also provide an example of what it means to love and serve Christ in his Church, even when the Church does stupid things and has stupid ideas. Examples of doing so are rare indeed in a world that views the church through the lenses of consumer capitalism!

I'm not saying that one should never leave a congregation. There can be good reasons for doing so. But, I think staying and serving in a place that is frustrating can also provide a unique opportunity for growth and witness.
