I do believe that all the things that have been tying us to Alberta are at last gone. All ties, other that our awesome friends, that is.
The T4 arrived here the other day from the last place I worked there. As I have mentioned before that circumstances that lead to my leaving were not good. My old martial arts teacher and, I thought, friend, was my old boss and the owner of the company that I worked for. I refused to commit certain illegal acts that he assured me were not illegal and what followed was threats, intimidation and the like. He failed to pay me my holiday pay but I thought since I did get the majority of my final paycheck he could keep the rest. I found out later through other co-workers that he thought himself quite clever for doing this. I had let them know the address where I wanted my T4 mailed and they sent it to an address that did not exist. Thankfully this is a somewhat small place and the mail person brought it to the correct address - although they got the first number in the address wrong they did spell my name right. This brought out a lot of thoughts. Knowing what I know of them I think they did this intentionally. They mailed it out and if it got to the wrong address, oh well. It would have meant a longer wait for me but they would have had it mailed out in time for tax season. I don't know how many times I sat there and listened to him talk about being sneaky with people he owed money to or some other thing. Anyway, it made me want to play along with it to see where it would go. Maybe I would email them and ask them when they were going to send it, then see what they would do. I then thought that I have what they were supposed to send me. Let them live in the world they have created for themselves. What part do I want in that world?
It is amazing to me how people, including this person, work harder at being dishonest, weaving lie upon lie, than they do at being honest and owning up to the crap they get themselves into. They would rather lie and connive than take responsibility for their actions. I still have the application for the black belt test that I would have taken and in it there is talk about how a black belt is to be upstanding in society and blah, blah, blah. This guys life definitely does NOT reflect this lofty ideal that he wants his black belts to have. It is such a waste of time trying to one-up someone or to work at making another person's life terrible. I see the person that he is and feel extreme sadness and pity for him. A life like his is NOT one of peace and in the end all that he has sown will come to fruition and he will have to live in the circumstances he has created.
If only you were what you try so hard to make other people believe you are. It was that guy that I respected and thought was so cool. I forgive you because I have been where you are right now and Jesus Christ forgave me and is changing me.
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