This week has been a week of absolute mayhem. I have been doing the auto adjuster thing for 3 weeks now. I have been taking claims and booking vehicles in to get appraised and all that wonderful stuff associated with auto claims. We have what's called a "BF List". That is "Bring Forward". So, when I book someone in to get an appraisal I set a "BF point" one or two days after their appointment. This gives the Appraiser time to upload his photos of the vehicles damage and the estimate of the damage. The BF point acts as a pop-up on the BF List. It is a reminder for me that the next step needs to happen in order to deal with this particular claim. Okay, that's the BF List in a nutshell.
So, this week has been the week where the loads of claims I have been doing have been popping up on the BF List. They NEED to get dealt with. Some are easy and straight forward. Just send a letter to the person reminding them to have their vehicle repaired ASAP then close the file. Others are not so easy. When we write a vehicle off there is a LOT of paperwork associated with that and the auto adjuster is just the person to take care of that.
So the start of this week came after a weekend, as all week beginnings usually start. However, this particular week saw only myself and another adjuster on duty. The weekend had been pretty cold with lovely icy roads and that makes for one crazy Monday of claims. Needless to say, we are swamped. Today I was handling claims left over from yesterday. I actually got the number of claims to be processed down to the single digits for about an hour. Then I made the mistake of looking at my BF List. Have you ever looked into the eyes of madness? As Jack Nicholson as the Joker put it, "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" I came close to having a conniption. Is that how that's spelled? I've said that word a lot but have never had to spell it until now...weird. I am barely keeping my head above water dealing with the new claims. Okay, who am I kidding. I'm drowning horribly. But the real kicker is that I'm not able to deal with all the stuff coming in on the back end. I'm adding new claims but not dealing with the old ones. And I have quite a few vehicles that need more work than the standard letter.
This is week 3 of being an auto adjuster. Needless to say I have been sleeping quite soundly with dreams that consist of claims and my never being able to successfully get a car booked in to get appraised. This is the eye of my madness.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
The worries and cares of this world.
Man, oh man! What a time it has been here lately. SO much is going on. I can't remember if I've posted this here or not but I know I have been saying it to those whom I have talked with the last while - I have never known a time of this kind of busyness. It's like I have no time to relax at home, no time for anything. I'm not sure if this has something to do with my sitting on my butt for two months in Calgary taking a break from life waiting for our house to sell or not. I tell ya, things are really hectic here.
I have been working and training at my new position and it's a huge learning curve. Lots to know. Procedure's, computer menu's, protocol's, forms and the why's and how's of all of it and more. It has been at the forefront of my mind. I've been thinking about it at night, dreaming about it and waking up early, EARLY in the morning with this stuff on my mind. It's crazy!
Today it hit me. Christmas is almost two weeks away. The time of year when the world celebrates the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. How much has this been on my mind? Not the buying gifts and all that stuff associated with Christmas but the actual pondering and thinking and meditating on the gift of God to man - His Son. I'll tell you how much. Zero. I mean it. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I have been so wrapped up in the goings on of life here that Jesus Christ is far, far away from my thoughts. Sure, I pray and talk with Him. But reading His Word and being fed by His Word and just enjoying Him...nuh-uh. I could come up with a zillion excuses for my not doing this but in the end it adds up to the same - I have wandered away from Him. That sheep that has left the fold and gotten lost.
I can relate to that sheep. Just moving along from one place to the next until all of a sudden it looks up and...what the heck? I'm lost. What have I been doing? In focusing on the world around me I have lost sight of the Shepherd. Where is He? Where did He go? Why do I keep getting myself lost? What gets me is the next part in this parable. The Shepherd LEAVES the 99 sheep who are not lost and goes after the one that is. He's actually searching intently for that one that wandered away. He's actually looking...for me. Me, who wandered away. Me, the one who left. Me
I have been working and training at my new position and it's a huge learning curve. Lots to know. Procedure's, computer menu's, protocol's, forms and the why's and how's of all of it and more. It has been at the forefront of my mind. I've been thinking about it at night, dreaming about it and waking up early, EARLY in the morning with this stuff on my mind. It's crazy!
Today it hit me. Christmas is almost two weeks away. The time of year when the world celebrates the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. How much has this been on my mind? Not the buying gifts and all that stuff associated with Christmas but the actual pondering and thinking and meditating on the gift of God to man - His Son. I'll tell you how much. Zero. I mean it. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I have been so wrapped up in the goings on of life here that Jesus Christ is far, far away from my thoughts. Sure, I pray and talk with Him. But reading His Word and being fed by His Word and just enjoying Him...nuh-uh. I could come up with a zillion excuses for my not doing this but in the end it adds up to the same - I have wandered away from Him. That sheep that has left the fold and gotten lost.
I can relate to that sheep. Just moving along from one place to the next until all of a sudden it looks up and...what the heck? I'm lost. What have I been doing? In focusing on the world around me I have lost sight of the Shepherd. Where is He? Where did He go? Why do I keep getting myself lost? What gets me is the next part in this parable. The Shepherd LEAVES the 99 sheep who are not lost and goes after the one that is. He's actually searching intently for that one that wandered away. He's actually looking...for me. Me, who wandered away. Me, the one who left. Me
"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on
whom his favor rests."
and on earth peace to men on
whom his favor rests."
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's happened!
Well, as the title to this segment of Curtville alludes to, it's happened. What, you may ask, is "it's"? Let me tell you...
I have been slowly preparing, studying, reading...soaking, myself in the AAIA. That is, "Automobile and Accident Insurance Act". Particularly Part's 3 and 4 of "The Act" as it is known. Now these parts are very important to a person aspiring to become an Adjuster with SGI. My father, henceforth known as "dad", has been an active encourager of my studying. Actually dad has been pushing, cajoling, hinting and...(I can't think of another "and") me to study and learn this stuff. He has been a great help and has made it understandable, for the most part, to me. That's my dad! If it wasn't for him I would never have passed the written tests.
I had to write a few tests and passed most of them. In the end I was the last guy standing and then had to go for an interview. I sat before three managers and all the questions they asked me I was able to give them examples of my work in the homeless shelters in Calgary. The interview went really well.
I waited a few more days and received a call at home from my manager asking me if I wanted the position. I said, "You ding dang darn tootin' I do!" Well, I really said, "Yeah!" December 1 is my start date. I will have been with the company a little over four months and I've been moved up the ladder. A big raise and loads more responsibility AND another huge learning curve to ride, but I'm so looking forward to it.
So it's happened. The beginning of something cool that started with the end of something really crappy in Calgary. I never would have thought that when all that crappy stuff happened with my boss/hapkido instructor that it would have been the beginning of this really cool stuff here. The Lord Jesus Christ took all that shit, used the greed and manipulation of my old boss, and used it to bring all this about. This is living proof that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I can hardly wait until we get to heaven, until it happens!
I have been slowly preparing, studying, reading...soaking, myself in the AAIA. That is, "Automobile and Accident Insurance Act". Particularly Part's 3 and 4 of "The Act" as it is known. Now these parts are very important to a person aspiring to become an Adjuster with SGI. My father, henceforth known as "dad", has been an active encourager of my studying. Actually dad has been pushing, cajoling, hinting and...(I can't think of another "and") me to study and learn this stuff. He has been a great help and has made it understandable, for the most part, to me. That's my dad! If it wasn't for him I would never have passed the written tests.
I had to write a few tests and passed most of them. In the end I was the last guy standing and then had to go for an interview. I sat before three managers and all the questions they asked me I was able to give them examples of my work in the homeless shelters in Calgary. The interview went really well.
I waited a few more days and received a call at home from my manager asking me if I wanted the position. I said, "You ding dang darn tootin' I do!" Well, I really said, "Yeah!" December 1 is my start date. I will have been with the company a little over four months and I've been moved up the ladder. A big raise and loads more responsibility AND another huge learning curve to ride, but I'm so looking forward to it.
So it's happened. The beginning of something cool that started with the end of something really crappy in Calgary. I never would have thought that when all that crappy stuff happened with my boss/hapkido instructor that it would have been the beginning of this really cool stuff here. The Lord Jesus Christ took all that shit, used the greed and manipulation of my old boss, and used it to bring all this about. This is living proof that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I can hardly wait until we get to heaven, until it happens!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A song for the eve...that's evening, y'all
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Music in the Church.
The last few Sundays we have been attending our old Church here in Curtville. It was where I attended when I first became a Christian all those many years ago.
It's kinda weird being back there. Lots of old, familiar faces and LOTS of new ones. One thing that has struck me in the few times having gone here since coming back to this part of the world is the music. It got me thinking of a conversation I had with a guy a few months back regarding music in Church throughout history.
The early Church's music was the Psalms. Singing the Psalms was a part of the worship service in the Church. Gradually the Psalms were replaced by Hymns. No longer was Scripture sang. It was replaced by songs that were still very good, but not the Word of God. In my time, Hymns have been replaced by Choruses. However, a Hymn or two can still be heard in a Church service depending on how many of the older generation attend or not. It seems that Choruses are the stuff of younger people, my generation so to speak. We've moved from singing the exact Word of God to something now that, if it were not for being inside a Church when it's sung, could easily be mistook for some quirky love song one would hear on some "Light" station on the radio.
Now I have to admit that I do not know of many Psalms that have been put to music. There are many Hymns that I love! Some Choruses are not too bad, in my opinion, however the majority of them tend towards the mushy, touchy-feely kinda stuff that turns me off. This trend though, towards man and away from God, is something that is not limited to just music but our/my whole life.
So what is better? Singing Scripture that doesn't have a good beat to it or singing a song written by man with good guitars and drums and such behind it? Sometimes something that sounds good may not be the best. I've a lot to think about...
It's kinda weird being back there. Lots of old, familiar faces and LOTS of new ones. One thing that has struck me in the few times having gone here since coming back to this part of the world is the music. It got me thinking of a conversation I had with a guy a few months back regarding music in Church throughout history.
The early Church's music was the Psalms. Singing the Psalms was a part of the worship service in the Church. Gradually the Psalms were replaced by Hymns. No longer was Scripture sang. It was replaced by songs that were still very good, but not the Word of God. In my time, Hymns have been replaced by Choruses. However, a Hymn or two can still be heard in a Church service depending on how many of the older generation attend or not. It seems that Choruses are the stuff of younger people, my generation so to speak. We've moved from singing the exact Word of God to something now that, if it were not for being inside a Church when it's sung, could easily be mistook for some quirky love song one would hear on some "Light" station on the radio.
Now I have to admit that I do not know of many Psalms that have been put to music. There are many Hymns that I love! Some Choruses are not too bad, in my opinion, however the majority of them tend towards the mushy, touchy-feely kinda stuff that turns me off. This trend though, towards man and away from God, is something that is not limited to just music but our/my whole life.
So what is better? Singing Scripture that doesn't have a good beat to it or singing a song written by man with good guitars and drums and such behind it? Sometimes something that sounds good may not be the best. I've a lot to think about...

Monday, November 10, 2008
The trains, the trains. The soothing sound of trains.
Well, Curtville has finally moved. Don't be fooled by the same web address and what you think you know about the impossibility, or lack thereof, of moving an entire ville. Trust me, it's been moved!
We are finally settled, somewhat, into our new house. This place is what I've always wanted - all 4 walls to be mine. It also has all those other things that loving couples discuss with each other about what would be great in a place if they could afford it. You know, things like - "Wouldn't a garage be awesome?" We have a 3 car garage. "A workshop that's heated would be KEEN!" We got one of those as well. "A huge yard that's sheltered where the neighbors can't look in and view us would be WUNDERFULL!" Yep, got it. And the icing on the cake - "In the middle of all this falling snow, wouldn't it be great to be sitting in a hot tub?" Oh yeah, baby! We have one of those as well!!! Hee hee heeeeee! It's like everything I've thought would be cool to have, we got.
We live in a quiet little village 6 minutes from Swift Current. It doesn't have that big city stink that Calgary has. It doesn't have the noise that Calgary has. There is no fear of what some whacko may do to your loved ones if they're enjoying a stroll down the street like there is in Calgary. Here people leave their houses unlocked when they leave for town. UNLOCKED!!! The lifestyle here is so different. Slow, quiet and wonderful. This is the kind of place that gets made fun of in the big city. Well, I say, make fun all you want and never come here. The more people discover what I have the more they will want to come. Then the place will get bigger, and noisier and faster and...and.
The only noise here is the chugging of the trains. Not too loud but it's there. The slow, deep rumble as it moves down the tracks toward the West. Ahh, so soothing. I think I'll go soak in the hot tub, even though it's not snowing.
We are finally settled, somewhat, into our new house. This place is what I've always wanted - all 4 walls to be mine. It also has all those other things that loving couples discuss with each other about what would be great in a place if they could afford it. You know, things like - "Wouldn't a garage be awesome?" We have a 3 car garage. "A workshop that's heated would be KEEN!" We got one of those as well. "A huge yard that's sheltered where the neighbors can't look in and view us would be WUNDERFULL!" Yep, got it. And the icing on the cake - "In the middle of all this falling snow, wouldn't it be great to be sitting in a hot tub?" Oh yeah, baby! We have one of those as well!!! Hee hee heeeeee! It's like everything I've thought would be cool to have, we got.
We live in a quiet little village 6 minutes from Swift Current. It doesn't have that big city stink that Calgary has. It doesn't have the noise that Calgary has. There is no fear of what some whacko may do to your loved ones if they're enjoying a stroll down the street like there is in Calgary. Here people leave their houses unlocked when they leave for town. UNLOCKED!!! The lifestyle here is so different. Slow, quiet and wonderful. This is the kind of place that gets made fun of in the big city. Well, I say, make fun all you want and never come here. The more people discover what I have the more they will want to come. Then the place will get bigger, and noisier and faster and...and.
The only noise here is the chugging of the trains. Not too loud but it's there. The slow, deep rumble as it moves down the tracks toward the West. Ahh, so soothing. I think I'll go soak in the hot tub, even though it's not snowing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The last hurrah!
Curtville and Calgaryville will soon be a distant memory. We are so glad about that in many respects and in others, not so much. The biggest "Not So Much" category is the friends we are leaving behind. These are some great people! This is, I guess, the only reason we find it hard to leave.

We got the U-Haul packed up on Saturday and drove back to Swift Current that same day. We were SO tired when we finally rolled into town. Sunday we drove out to the house and unloaded into the garage. It didn't take nowhere's near as long as the packing did, and the packing went quick. Monday we drove back to Calgary as we felt, after an incident the week prior, that leaving our place vacant for the remaining week would not be wise. So, here we are. Camping in our living room while a wind storm rages outside. We actually saw the shingles peal off our neighbors car port - crazy! We head back to Swift this Friday morning so hopefully the place can remain intact until the other people become the proud, new owners.
We are going to miss our friends here. Let's not lose touch, K?!

We got the U-Haul packed up on Saturday and drove back to Swift Current that same day. We were SO tired when we finally rolled into town. Sunday we drove out to the house and unloaded into the garage. It didn't take nowhere's near as long as the packing did, and the packing went quick. Monday we drove back to Calgary as we felt, after an incident the week prior, that leaving our place vacant for the remaining week would not be wise. So, here we are. Camping in our living room while a wind storm rages outside. We actually saw the shingles peal off our neighbors car port - crazy! We head back to Swift this Friday morning so hopefully the place can remain intact until the other people become the proud, new owners.
We are going to miss our friends here. Let's not lose touch, K?!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Welcome to Cagary...for the second last time.
Well, I have decided to come to Calgary the week before the big move to get help get some things in order and such and a such. Stacey, it just so turns out, has EVERYTHING well in hand.
So, every second Friday I have off so I thought it would be cool to leave for Calgary right after I finished work on Thursday. The drive was okay and I was quite nervous about hitting a deer. Working in insurance I have received NUMEROUS calls from people needing to file a claim because, "The dang deer jumped out and landed on my hood!!!" Thankfully I only saw one coyote and a cat (I think).
I made it to Calgary and rounded the last corner before my cul-de-sac when what should great me? The Police. A car was parked near the entrance to the cul-de-sac and as I was pulling in a paddy wagon was pulling out with lights on and sped away down the street. There were two cops that had an obviously intoxicated man pushed over onto a garbage bin. They stood him up and walked him to their car. I had to chuckle and exclaim, "I haven't even pulled into my driveway and the cops are in my cul-de-sac taking a drunk out of here." It was this poignant reminder of one of the many reason why I want out of this area we live in and out of Calgary as a whole. You just gotta laugh and shake yer head.
So, every second Friday I have off so I thought it would be cool to leave for Calgary right after I finished work on Thursday. The drive was okay and I was quite nervous about hitting a deer. Working in insurance I have received NUMEROUS calls from people needing to file a claim because, "The dang deer jumped out and landed on my hood!!!" Thankfully I only saw one coyote and a cat (I think).
I made it to Calgary and rounded the last corner before my cul-de-sac when what should great me? The Police. A car was parked near the entrance to the cul-de-sac and as I was pulling in a paddy wagon was pulling out with lights on and sped away down the street. There were two cops that had an obviously intoxicated man pushed over onto a garbage bin. They stood him up and walked him to their car. I had to chuckle and exclaim, "I haven't even pulled into my driveway and the cops are in my cul-de-sac taking a drunk out of here." It was this poignant reminder of one of the many reason why I want out of this area we live in and out of Calgary as a whole. You just gotta laugh and shake yer head.

Friday, September 12, 2008
With the beginning of an end.
It has been quite a week here in Curtville. To say that the stress level has been a little ramped up would be an understatement. Our house went through a little bidding war. Well, you couldn't really call it a war. More like a clash or a small skirmish. In the end we settled for $100.00 more than we were asking - I'm calling that my Tim Horton's fund (though I'm not sure what Stacey or the girls would call it).
This week has been an endless wait (there's that word again, followed by excruciatingly no action) this week while the buyers got their ducks in a row and had the conditions waived. On Thursday I recieved a call from my Realtor informing me that one of the buyers' financing fell through and they had to put another buyer on the contract. He faxed me some stuff to sign and all was well from there. In the mean time, however, my ability to concentrate on my job was severely handicapped. That, coupled with my cool and calm deameanor (NOT!) lead me to have to escape the office and fall into the cool, refreshing world of a butter caramel iced cap from Timmy's. Everything was a little better after that.
Well, turns out a guy in my office got promoted and has to move away and it just so happens he has this REALLY nice, kick-ass house that he needs to sell. Now, I can't emphasize enough the kick-assedness of this house. Entirely updated, and I do mean entirely! Hardwood everywhere, 5 bedrooms, 3 car attached garage, heated workshop, HOT TUB (weeeeeeeee....), huge yard and in a small town 10 minutes out of Swift Current. I told him what we could give him if was interested and......he was interested! Once Stacey sees the place and gives it her okay we will start the buying process.
Today the house is sold. It's firm. It's real. It's SOLD!!!
So, I thought the stress and mind exploding stuff would end once the house sold. Now I'm finding it is still here but in a different form. Lawyers, appraisers, documents, insurance, etc., etc. This will have to be arranged for out here. Stacey will have to pack the place up (I and, hopefully, lots of friends will load the U-Haul), get the U-Haul, cancel all utilities and such, re-direct the mail, etc., etc., AND continue to homeschool the girlies.
It will end one day. But for now, OUR PLACE IS SOLD, BABY!!! MUAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
This week has been an endless wait (there's that word again, followed by excruciatingly no action) this week while the buyers got their ducks in a row and had the conditions waived. On Thursday I recieved a call from my Realtor informing me that one of the buyers' financing fell through and they had to put another buyer on the contract. He faxed me some stuff to sign and all was well from there. In the mean time, however, my ability to concentrate on my job was severely handicapped. That, coupled with my cool and calm deameanor (NOT!) lead me to have to escape the office and fall into the cool, refreshing world of a butter caramel iced cap from Timmy's. Everything was a little better after that.
Well, turns out a guy in my office got promoted and has to move away and it just so happens he has this REALLY nice, kick-ass house that he needs to sell. Now, I can't emphasize enough the kick-assedness of this house. Entirely updated, and I do mean entirely! Hardwood everywhere, 5 bedrooms, 3 car attached garage, heated workshop, HOT TUB (weeeeeeeee....), huge yard and in a small town 10 minutes out of Swift Current. I told him what we could give him if was interested and......he was interested! Once Stacey sees the place and gives it her okay we will start the buying process.
Today the house is sold. It's firm. It's real. It's SOLD!!!
So, I thought the stress and mind exploding stuff would end once the house sold. Now I'm finding it is still here but in a different form. Lawyers, appraisers, documents, insurance, etc., etc. This will have to be arranged for out here. Stacey will have to pack the place up (I and, hopefully, lots of friends will load the U-Haul), get the U-Haul, cancel all utilities and such, re-direct the mail, etc., etc., AND continue to homeschool the girlies.
It will end one day. But for now, OUR PLACE IS SOLD, BABY!!! MUAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The weekend called "long".
Well, Stacey and the little ladies (Mackenzie and Alaina) came to Swift Current and surprised me a day early - It was a great surprise! We stayed out at the farm because that is where the new kitties, the dog, the horse and, oh yeah, grandma and grandpa "on the farm" are. It was a very relaxing time with all the rain and wetness and mud and........I drank lots of coffee and read.
I went outside and the girls showed me where another cat had just had babies - out in the field between a whole bunch of round bales. Now, in order to get there we had to cross a barbed wire fence. The girls managed it not too bad, but me??? Well, I want you to picture a deer crossing such a fence. Have you ever seen one do it? Very graceful as it daintily leeps over the top wire and lands with almost no sound on the other side. Okay, now that you have that picture I am going to paint what really happened to me. For starters, FORGET going over the top wire gracefully. I went through the middle and bottom wires. Unfortunately (I guess fortunately depending on how one views it) part of my inner thigh got snagged on a barb and I narrowly avoided being turned into a eunuch - which was good. However, my pants got a nice rip in them - which is bad. But weighing the good and the bad together I think the scales tip in the good direction slightly more. Did I land with almost no sounds on the other side? DIDN'T I JUST SAY THAT I WAS ALMOST MADE A EUNUCH??? Sheesh! Of course there was sound. LOTS of it. The cat looked cute between the bales.
The girls both got their long hair cut to shoulder length. They were pretty excited because now they wouldn't have to spend so much time combing out the knots. I wish I could upload the pictures we took during the cutting - they look cute.
It was great having them here and I can hardly wait until we're all here together, no back and forth from Calgary. Ah, Lord Jesus, let it happen soon.
I went outside and the girls showed me where another cat had just had babies - out in the field between a whole bunch of round bales. Now, in order to get there we had to cross a barbed wire fence. The girls managed it not too bad, but me??? Well, I want you to picture a deer crossing such a fence. Have you ever seen one do it? Very graceful as it daintily leeps over the top wire and lands with almost no sound on the other side. Okay, now that you have that picture I am going to paint what really happened to me. For starters, FORGET going over the top wire gracefully. I went through the middle and bottom wires. Unfortunately (I guess fortunately depending on how one views it) part of my inner thigh got snagged on a barb and I narrowly avoided being turned into a eunuch - which was good. However, my pants got a nice rip in them - which is bad. But weighing the good and the bad together I think the scales tip in the good direction slightly more. Did I land with almost no sounds on the other side? DIDN'T I JUST SAY THAT I WAS ALMOST MADE A EUNUCH??? Sheesh! Of course there was sound. LOTS of it. The cat looked cute between the bales.
The girls both got their long hair cut to shoulder length. They were pretty excited because now they wouldn't have to spend so much time combing out the knots. I wish I could upload the pictures we took during the cutting - they look cute.
It was great having them here and I can hardly wait until we're all here together, no back and forth from Calgary. Ah, Lord Jesus, let it happen soon.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Song for today.
I've been thinking of my family the last few days and remembered this song from awhile back. This is one of those songs that make me sit back, reflect, smile and (yes, I'm not afraid to admit it) cry. It's kinda timely for me...and it's good. My gift to you. Enjoy.
I miss you Stacey and Mackenzie and Alaina - and I love you!
I miss you Stacey and Mackenzie and Alaina - and I love you!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
What is loneliness?
I've been in Swift Current now for a little over two weeks since starting my new job. I'm staying at my folks place and it's pretty good. Stacey and the girls are back in Calgary and we are waiting for our place to sell. In the evenings I have been looking at potential houses we could buy here in Swift and so far have a small list of maybes with one "Oh yeah" picked out. But still we wait.
It is Saturday and there is not much to do. I went for a run and then a walk right after and began to feel...alone. I miss Stacey and the girls. This separation is part of the deal with this new job until we can sell our place. I knew that it would suck being apart and now I am in the midst of complete suckage. I hate this suckage! I am so tired of waiting. It seems that all there is to do is wait. I have been praying for Christ's strength to be patient in this time but I am not so good at patience. To know that He has it worked out and that we are walking in His plan is pretty cool. Whenever I've heard stories of people in whose life Christ has worked I always hear and focus in on the beginning and end. Somehow that middle part of waiting through it and continuing to trust Him through it has gotten lost. That's where I think I am right now. The friggin' middle. Man, I dislike immensely the middle. Even more so now that I do not have my family close to me.
The middle sucked when we were together but we had each other to lean on.'s just tough.
It is Saturday and there is not much to do. I went for a run and then a walk right after and began to feel...alone. I miss Stacey and the girls. This separation is part of the deal with this new job until we can sell our place. I knew that it would suck being apart and now I am in the midst of complete suckage. I hate this suckage! I am so tired of waiting. It seems that all there is to do is wait. I have been praying for Christ's strength to be patient in this time but I am not so good at patience. To know that He has it worked out and that we are walking in His plan is pretty cool. Whenever I've heard stories of people in whose life Christ has worked I always hear and focus in on the beginning and end. Somehow that middle part of waiting through it and continuing to trust Him through it has gotten lost. That's where I think I am right now. The friggin' middle. Man, I dislike immensely the middle. Even more so now that I do not have my family close to me.
The middle sucked when we were together but we had each other to lean on.'s just tough.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A great day!
What a day it has been. It started off as any other day, as most days usually do if they're called "days". I called my buddy Brian and went over to his place to practice some Hapkido. He is going for his black belt very soon and he wanted to run through some stuff. It's the first time I have been locked and thrown since leaving the Hapkido school here. It was a total blast! In spite of everything that has happened with my old teacher, I have discovered that I still LOVE Hapkido!
While we were running through some stuff I received a call from the Manager in Swift Current informing me that everything had worked out and wondering if I could start work on Monday. Hoo-yeah baby, I could start on Monday!!! I didn't say "hoo-yeah" to him, nor did I refer to him as "baby", as that wouldn't have been very professional but I do believe that my voice indicated my emotional state when I told him that Monday would be just fine.
I got home and spoke with a great lady from the HR department and then had some forms emailed to me. I got them faxed back and everything is a go. It's been quite a ride so far.
In all this I have seen God's hand. From the situation with my old employer/Hapkido teacher, to the extended holiday I have had (2 months) while our financial situation has been met, to getting the job and then the issue with the HR department. I do not remember a time in my life of being so stretched with the only hope being that Christ was in control of it all. The times of just waiting have been the hardest. Waiting for everything. The waiting has been the part of all of this that has killed me. I'm a guy that has to do, not not do. There have been moments of wavering in my trust, but thankfully God's faithfulness does not depend on me. I am so thankful that Jesus Christ IS, and that I don't have to conjure up that pull-up-your-bootstraps feeling and continue on. I am just me, nothing special here, and He does what he is going to do (all those things that God requires of me He takes care of in me) and we both continue on. That's rest. That's freedom. That is Jesus Christ in my life.
And so, all this continues to be Him at work taking care of me, my wife and my family. So far, it's be quite a ride!
While we were running through some stuff I received a call from the Manager in Swift Current informing me that everything had worked out and wondering if I could start work on Monday. Hoo-yeah baby, I could start on Monday!!! I didn't say "hoo-yeah" to him, nor did I refer to him as "baby", as that wouldn't have been very professional but I do believe that my voice indicated my emotional state when I told him that Monday would be just fine.
I got home and spoke with a great lady from the HR department and then had some forms emailed to me. I got them faxed back and everything is a go. It's been quite a ride so far.
In all this I have seen God's hand. From the situation with my old employer/Hapkido teacher, to the extended holiday I have had (2 months) while our financial situation has been met, to getting the job and then the issue with the HR department. I do not remember a time in my life of being so stretched with the only hope being that Christ was in control of it all. The times of just waiting have been the hardest. Waiting for everything. The waiting has been the part of all of this that has killed me. I'm a guy that has to do, not not do. There have been moments of wavering in my trust, but thankfully God's faithfulness does not depend on me. I am so thankful that Jesus Christ IS, and that I don't have to conjure up that pull-up-your-bootstraps feeling and continue on. I am just me, nothing special here, and He does what he is going to do (all those things that God requires of me He takes care of in me) and we both continue on. That's rest. That's freedom. That is Jesus Christ in my life.
And so, all this continues to be Him at work taking care of me, my wife and my family. So far, it's be quite a ride!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
What a weekend (part deux)
With our wild weekend in Swift came the opportunity to view two acreages. The Realtor we contacted did call us back thereby ruining the perfect no-contact theory I had about Swift Current Realtors. Hey, whadaya gonna do!?
The first place we saw wasn't too bad. However the price was pretty high and there is some work, necessary work in my opinion, that needs to be done. For one, the furnace is an oil burning furnace that is bigger than the fridge in my home. Calling it low-efficiency would be an insult to all low-efficiencies everywhere. The second is the wiring. I counted three different kinds, colors and ages of wire going into the panel in the basement. Up to code? Do they have "code" out in the stix? You see, I picture old furnace and lots of oil mixed with various age groups of wire altogether in the same tight quarters. I'm not liking that marriage too much however the hotdogs would cook nicely over that fire. GREAT yard though, with a double detached garage with a pit for oil change, a large quonset to store my lawn mower, and many other barns and buildings of various sizes and many odors.
The second place we looked at could best be complimented by the large fire I just talked about. I remember commenting to Stacey, "You know, when we have a showing we make sure our place is clean and organized when we leave it." Too many things to mention however I will describe one area. The first property we checked out we looked in the barn. It had large cobwebs full of dirt dangling from the ceiling. It's a barn so what does one expect? The second house's basement ceiling was an exact mirror image of the first house's barn. Needless to say we left shortly thereafter but not before petting the very cute puppy in a cage outside.

The first place we saw wasn't too bad. However the price was pretty high and there is some work, necessary work in my opinion, that needs to be done. For one, the furnace is an oil burning furnace that is bigger than the fridge in my home. Calling it low-efficiency would be an insult to all low-efficiencies everywhere. The second is the wiring. I counted three different kinds, colors and ages of wire going into the panel in the basement. Up to code? Do they have "code" out in the stix? You see, I picture old furnace and lots of oil mixed with various age groups of wire altogether in the same tight quarters. I'm not liking that marriage too much however the hotdogs would cook nicely over that fire. GREAT yard though, with a double detached garage with a pit for oil change, a large quonset to store my lawn mower, and many other barns and buildings of various sizes and many odors.
The second place we looked at could best be complimented by the large fire I just talked about. I remember commenting to Stacey, "You know, when we have a showing we make sure our place is clean and organized when we leave it." Too many things to mention however I will describe one area. The first property we checked out we looked in the barn. It had large cobwebs full of dirt dangling from the ceiling. It's a barn so what does one expect? The second house's basement ceiling was an exact mirror image of the first house's barn. Needless to say we left shortly thereafter but not before petting the very cute puppy in a cage outside.

The next few weeks are going to be interesting.
What a weekend!
It was a pretty good weekend, this last. We, that is, the whole family and I, went to Swift Current as I had a job interview on Monday. I had been preparing for a little while but was incredibly nervous about the whole thing. I really want this job and I think that want really added to the anxiety. I finally got to the point where I just said, "Screw it!", and stopped the mental stomping of myself.
I went in and wrote some tests which were not bad. The math section really messed with my mind. You see, I am NOT a math kinda guy. Never was. To this day I still suffer from childhood trauma due to my lack of math skill. Needless to say I was not too confident in this section.
The interview was pretty good. Along the same lines as the interview for the Calgary Police Service. I received a call later that day with them giving me a conditional offer of employment. We ended up staying in Swift another day so I could go to the RCMP detachment to get a criminal record check done.
As of right now I am waiting to get the official offer letter. Once I get it and sign it I am an employee. The Manager said he wanted me to start this Monday. So, I packed up my things and have been making ready to go.
Stacey and the girls will have to remain here while we are selling the house and I will be working and looking for places in Swift.
It's gonna be quite a time the next few weeks. Now, if they would just send me that offer letter.
I went in and wrote some tests which were not bad. The math section really messed with my mind. You see, I am NOT a math kinda guy. Never was. To this day I still suffer from childhood trauma due to my lack of math skill. Needless to say I was not too confident in this section.
The interview was pretty good. Along the same lines as the interview for the Calgary Police Service. I received a call later that day with them giving me a conditional offer of employment. We ended up staying in Swift another day so I could go to the RCMP detachment to get a criminal record check done.
As of right now I am waiting to get the official offer letter. Once I get it and sign it I am an employee. The Manager said he wanted me to start this Monday. So, I packed up my things and have been making ready to go.
Stacey and the girls will have to remain here while we are selling the house and I will be working and looking for places in Swift.
It's gonna be quite a time the next few weeks. Now, if they would just send me that offer letter.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Realtors in Swift Current

An example of one said, "Located near a town with all amenities." The acreage looked nice and I was interested so I emailed the listing Realtor asking for more information about the place. You know, minor stuff like, "What town?" I was surprised to get no response. So, I emailed the Realtor again. Again, no response. It is sad to say that I have emailed Realtors in the Swift Current region in the past and have never received one response. It makes a guy wonder what's up. Surely they must want the business? Surely they're not just interested in local clients? Surely they...okay I can't think of a third "surely" but there's gotta be at least another.
So we are heading to Swift Current this weekend as Monday I have a job interview and some testing I have to do for the job. Pretty exciting. Stacey thought it a great idea to email a Realtor we had heard was good and see if he could show us some properties while we are there. So I did. I am still waiting to hear back from him. We decided that if he does not respond to the email that we will call him.
I mean, sheesh! What does it take to buy a place these days?

Monday, June 30, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ahhh, the waiting.

Friends and family have been a great encouragement in this time. Patience is definitely an easy thing to say but much harder when one has to be a part of it. We feel like a race horse straining to get out of the gate but not being able to. Kinda nutso! There's only so many times a day a guy can cut and trim the lawn.
So today we received a call from the soon to be new Manager of the Swift Current SGI branch informing me that I was scheduled to do the testing required for the position I applied for. Oooh the nerves were just a jumpin' all over the place. Tomorrow night at 7:30pm is when it begins.
This possible job would be an interesting thing if it came to pass. Years ago - like 16 or 17 years - I went to Prince Albert, SK and interviewed for the same position. I was told I would have been hired but there was a freeze on while issues with the union were dealt with. In the two years it took for these issues to be resolved I became a Christian and on the night I decided to attend the Bible School I felt the Lord was calling me to that's when I was informed the hiring freeze was off. Needless to say, I chose Bible School. I find this kinda neat in that all these years later I may be coming back to a job I gave up to go where God was calling me. To quote Darth Vader - "The circle is now complete." Pretty cool if it works out.
For now we must content ourselves with beating back the raging hordes.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Could it be?

It's mornings like this that have me longing for the farm. My in-laws have lots of trees and birds and, and, and. It's quiet there and that is what I wish for the most at this particular point in my existence. At this moment in Curtville rush hour is happening. Kids are going to school. Airplanes are taking off and landing. Definitely the exact opposite of the farm. I think it is this place right now that has me appreciating the farm more and more. When we go there is takes a few days for my ears to stop ringing as I am used to all the noise here and there is a steep decline in it there.
That being said here's a tune that aptly reflects my feelings. Enjoy.
Friday, May 30, 2008
It has begun.
Well, we had the Realtor over the other night and it went well - he's such a good guy! Anyone looking to buy or sell in Calgary should call Keith Braun & Associates. Okay, the plug is over.
Keith helped "stage" our house and when he was done with our living room we loved it so much we joked and told him that we were not going to sell anymore but stay here. It's amazing what de-cluttering and rearranging will do to a room. He took a lot of pictures and we had to answer some questions about our place and he ran us through how the process was going to work - pretty cool. So, the place is now up for sale. There was a place in our neighborhood that is now "pending" so the girls and I walked over there today to have a look. Overgrown with dandelions and in kinda poor shape. I was thinking, "If this place can get an offer to sell on what they had it listed for then ours should be a shoo-in." Not nice thoughts. I REALLY hope we get what we're asking for.
So, without further ado. Here's some pics I took of the outside of our place. By the way: Anyone wanna buy a house?

Keith helped "stage" our house and when he was done with our living room we loved it so much we joked and told him that we were not going to sell anymore but stay here. It's amazing what de-cluttering and rearranging will do to a room. He took a lot of pictures and we had to answer some questions about our place and he ran us through how the process was going to work - pretty cool. So, the place is now up for sale. There was a place in our neighborhood that is now "pending" so the girls and I walked over there today to have a look. Overgrown with dandelions and in kinda poor shape. I was thinking, "If this place can get an offer to sell on what they had it listed for then ours should be a shoo-in." Not nice thoughts. I REALLY hope we get what we're asking for.
So, without further ado. Here's some pics I took of the outside of our place. By the way: Anyone wanna buy a house?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
What a week!

Stacey and I have been wanting to move back to Sask. for a few years now but the timing just never seemed right. However, what has just recently happened to me coupled with the girls homeschool year ending and Stacey's involvement in the Sunday school program at our Church has lead us to believe that maybe this is God's timing for us to move. We all WANT to move back and have for some time now.
Our rough plan is to sell our place here, move back to Swift Current area and rent a place for a few months. I will be sitting on my butt for a month or two (I may not be able to last that long though) just to recharge from the last 5 years of life here in Calgary working 3 jobs that went in the toilet due to......"employer issues". Then after a month or two I will try to land a job, maybe in the oil industry, and then we'll buy a place of our own - preferably a place out in the country with a few acres to play with. Like I said, that's the rough plan. We are remaining open to what Jesus Christ has for us and we are praying that He will strengthen us to remain open to Him. We really want to move back, and we're pretty certain we will, but...ya never know what may happen.
If we do move back I may bear a similar resemblance to this yahoo.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
It's over! It's finally over.
I just completed working for 21 straight hours. The place where I work had to move out TONS of computers, monitors, IP phones, mice, and keyboards along with all the cord and cables associated with the lot. Due to the large volume of stuff my company hired a bunch of extra guys. We broke into teams and then went at it. Myself and another guy removed monitors for the ENTIRE time we were there. I have to say that I have never worked so hard in my entire life! Thankfully the monitors were only 17 inch and not the 19 or 21 inch mutants I'm used to hauling.
We had a great crew and there was lots of laughs, even in the intoxicating stupidity that comes after 15 hours of constant movement. One of the guys that came was Ben, a 2nd degree BB from my Hapkido class. This guy was moving, moving, moving all night long. No complaining just go go go. It was awesome to watch. My teacher/boss' dad was also there helping along with another guy from Regina. The dad, Bill, and the other guy, John, had left Riverhurst, SK at 6:00am the morning we were to start working. They got here after 6 hours on the road, chilled for a short while and then we worked. These guys kept going the whole time - amazing!
The place we were moving all this stuff had crews of their own moving in new equipment as we took the old stuff out. The head people from this company we were in contact with were awesome and they took care of all the workers there. I have never seen so much good food at so many times per night for everyone. No set break times just help yourself whenever. Our crew would go hard for a long time and then someone would do something that made us all realize that we should have a break and then we would all descend on the food room. Man, coffee at 3:00am never tasted to so good.
I finally got home and slept for probably the longest I ever have. It was beautiful. I hope this doesn't happen again for a long time :)
We had a great crew and there was lots of laughs, even in the intoxicating stupidity that comes after 15 hours of constant movement. One of the guys that came was Ben, a 2nd degree BB from my Hapkido class. This guy was moving, moving, moving all night long. No complaining just go go go. It was awesome to watch. My teacher/boss' dad was also there helping along with another guy from Regina. The dad, Bill, and the other guy, John, had left Riverhurst, SK at 6:00am the morning we were to start working. They got here after 6 hours on the road, chilled for a short while and then we worked. These guys kept going the whole time - amazing!
The place we were moving all this stuff had crews of their own moving in new equipment as we took the old stuff out. The head people from this company we were in contact with were awesome and they took care of all the workers there. I have never seen so much good food at so many times per night for everyone. No set break times just help yourself whenever. Our crew would go hard for a long time and then someone would do something that made us all realize that we should have a break and then we would all descend on the food room. Man, coffee at 3:00am never tasted to so good.
I finally got home and slept for probably the longest I ever have. It was beautiful. I hope this doesn't happen again for a long time :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Calgary this week.

You may think, "Curt, stop your whining. It's not that bad." But I tell you - "I HATE winter!!!"
It's not going away. I've actually taken to wishing random people a Merry Christmas as the moisture, in the form of constant snow, keeps coming. "April showers bring May flowers" is a common saying. I wonder what happens in May after a month of snow in April? Hmm...
Enjoy these wonderful pics of life in cowtown.

Sunday, April 6, 2008
"It is not good for man to be alone."

Stacey and the girls left for the night to have a sleep over at her cousins while looking after her girls. This was Saturday night. Knowing this I called "the boys" and thought it would be great to have a little...umm...gathering. Yeah that's it, a gathering at my place. Well, one of the boys had family over so couldn't make it and the other boy (I know, 2 is not a lot of boys but they're MY boys and 2 of MY boys equal, at least, 10 of someone else's boys) couldn't make it due to having to play a gig that night. Sooooo, I spent the day alone and the night as well (since night inevitably follows day). Tears, BOOHOO, many sobs - it was terrible!
I got to thinking about this. Stacey has left with the girls before for much longer and usually I'm pretty good about it all. However this time was way harder. I pretty much sat on my duff in the basement on the computer, which is what I would probably have done had they been here. The weird thing is that it was...different. Just having them here makes me feel better, good, right. I don't have to be doing anything spectacular or exciting or out of the ordinary when they are here to feel this way. It's just having them HERE. This could sound kinda bad but it isn't: They make even my mundaneness better.
God was SO right! It is not good.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Eat your veggies...or else!
Saw this when I was younger and loved it. Now we play the song in our car and it's still great. I hope you love the Captain like I do.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hapkido and my little ones.
Since I began taking Hapkido my little girls have been seeing me do the things that Hapkido practitioners do - kicks, punches, joint locks, throws, etc. Stacey has even volunteered to be the one I get to practice the locks on - she's a trooper! An aside here - I NEVER lock her hard!
Now my girls ask lots of questions about it and I have even shown them some stuff. I let them practice on me and they're not bad. It's exciting for me to see them do this. The other day I was loaned some videos pertaining to the style of Hapkido I take, Jin Jung Kwan, and we all watched them. One of the videos shows a big tournament that took place in Korea in 2003 that had adults as well as little people participating. The girls thought this was wonderful. After watching a little of this Mackenzie decided to draw a picture that had little kids doing Hapkido. Not only that she has drawn in the belt progression - white belt all the way to 10th Dan (10th degree black belt). I thought it was so cool that I asked her if I could add it here and she said I could. This makes me smile every time I look at it.
Now my girls ask lots of questions about it and I have even shown them some stuff. I let them practice on me and they're not bad. It's exciting for me to see them do this. The other day I was loaned some videos pertaining to the style of Hapkido I take, Jin Jung Kwan, and we all watched them. One of the videos shows a big tournament that took place in Korea in 2003 that had adults as well as little people participating. The girls thought this was wonderful. After watching a little of this Mackenzie decided to draw a picture that had little kids doing Hapkido. Not only that she has drawn in the belt progression - white belt all the way to 10th Dan (10th degree black belt). I thought it was so cool that I asked her if I could add it here and she said I could. This makes me smile every time I look at it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
He is Risen!!!

I go about my day living my life and things go pretty much normal. My day is interspersed with moments where I think about some scripture or I say a quick prayer but I am not what I consider a super Christian - not by a long shot!
I think terrible thoughts about others and say things about people that are incredibly hurtful (if I had the courage to say these things to their faces, which, of course, I rarely do). I am like "everyone else". In the things I say and the things I do I want to honor God but I know I don't. It is easy to measure my "goodness" against other people and come out on top. There's is always someone else out there who is "badder" than me.
Recently a Governor in the States has been on the news constantly for spending money on a high priced prostitute. I have been amazed at the continual barrage in the media of how much of a scumbag this guy really is. I am also amazed at how we all get in line to cut this guy down. Don't get me wrong, what he did is despicable. But it made me wonder if the despicable things in my life, or anyone's life, were brought out into the open for the world to see what that would do to my/our finger pointing and haughty smugness. Like Jesus said to the crowd who was about to kill a woman caught in adultery - "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." They all walked away.
An honest searching of me reveals that I am FULL of sin. God doesn't accept a "I'm a lot less sinful than that other person over there." A lot less sinful is still sin and ALL OF US are full of it. If we measure ourselves in this fashion against Christ we realize in light of who He is just how completely not even on the chart we are.
And so it comes to today and my question, "What does this mean to me, if anything?" He died in my place paying the penalty that my sin SO deserves in order that I might be rescued from sin and spiritual death. He rose again defeating death making it possible for those who believe in Him to live forever. No amount of doing good things could result in my being able to rescue myself because my sin had never been dealt with. I am so thankful that he knows the worst about me and chose to rescue me anyway. God sent His Son to do what humanity could never hope to do for itself.

Here's a neat vid to end this post with. I apologize for the sound quality, but enjoy it anyway.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Great day at Bowness Park
Stacey had the great idea of all of us going to Bowness Park to enjoy this beautiful day. It was sunny and warm with very few people there - I love very few people!!!
We had a picnic lunch by the river then went for a short walk in the "bush". While we were standing around on the trail we noticed some avian wildlife fluttering closer to us than one might at first, be comfortable with. There were some short-lived, muffled squeals of alarm as these creatures moved in on some members of the Urquhart family but, as I said, these were short lived. For those of you wondering I did not squeal but there was a "Holy Cow!!!"or two uttered by yours truly when I nearly got bopped in the head. Hey, I was surprised!
Here's some live-action, on the move photos from our little adventure. We were lucky to have escaped with all our digits intact.
They actually landed on, and fed, from our hands.
We had a picnic lunch by the river then went for a short walk in the "bush". While we were standing around on the trail we noticed some avian wildlife fluttering closer to us than one might at first, be comfortable with. There were some short-lived, muffled squeals of alarm as these creatures moved in on some members of the Urquhart family but, as I said, these were short lived. For those of you wondering I did not squeal but there was a "Holy Cow!!!"or two uttered by yours truly when I nearly got bopped in the head. Hey, I was surprised!
Here's some live-action, on the move photos from our little adventure. We were lucky to have escaped with all our digits intact.

Friday, March 21, 2008
Today...a couple thousand years ago.
I have been thinking off and on this week about Good Friday, the day a long time ago that Jesus Christ underwent the farce of a trial, was severely tortured and then executed only to rise from the dead three days later.
The following Scripture verses are found in the Book of Isaiah chapter 53. Written many centuries before Jesus was born but tells of what he, the Christ, was to go through and why.
The following Scripture verses are found in the Book of Isaiah chapter 53. Written many centuries before Jesus was born but tells of what he, the Christ, was to go through and why.
He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised and we esteemed him not.
Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our(my) transgressions,
he was crushed for our(my) iniquities;
the punishment that brought us(me) peace
was upon him,
and by his wounds we(I) are healed.
We all like sheep have gone astray,
each has turned to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised and we esteemed him not.
Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our(my) transgressions,
he was crushed for our(my) iniquities;
the punishment that brought us(me) peace
was upon him,
and by his wounds we(I) are healed.
We all like sheep have gone astray,
each has turned to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
(all italics are mine)
Below is a link to a YouTube video from the movie "The Passion of the Christ". If I could figure out how I would have posted the vid here but...oh well. UPDATE: Thanks to my wonderful friend, Colleen, I now have the vid. WOOHOO! You ROCK, Colleen!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Is Spring really coming?...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
G'day mates, and welcome to all you dang foreigners from other nations. I finally decided to try my hand at this blog-thingy I keep seeing other friends of mine doing.
I'm not exactly sure what my intent in beginning a blog is but I thought, heck, might as well give it a try and see what happens.
I am Curt. Male. 6 feet tall and 210lbs of lean mean rollie-pollie-ollie. "What is that?", you may ask. It just came to me so I'm using it. I take a martial art called Hapkido and am close to getting my black belt. It's a lot of fun and can be very painful. I love it and wish to teach it one day. I hope to blog some on this in the future.
I am a Christian and living proof of why humanity needs a Savior. My life today is a result of my encounter with Jesus Christ many years ago. I will probably most definitely blog on this.
I have worked with the homeless here in Calgary for almost nine years and this experience has had a very positive and a very negative impact on me. I no longer work in this industry. Will I blog on this? Perhaps, perhaps not.
I am also married to Stacey
(ain't she purty?). She is the kindest, gentlest, honest woman I have ever met. I love her very much!
We have two wonderfully beautiful and fantastic little girls
Mackenzie (8) and Alaina (6). They're my little poopsies.
Kenzie is an AMAZING artist. I may post some of her drawings here, if she'll let me. She loves to laugh and it is indeed infectious.
Alaina has a keen mind and beautiful smile. I swear she will figure out how to split the atom using pop cans and wax crayons while she busies herself doing mommy and daddy's taxes.
DEATH, slow and painful, to anyone who hurts these little ones!
On that happy note, take care and I look forward to seeing how this develops. I hope you enjoy it as well.
I'm not exactly sure what my intent in beginning a blog is but I thought, heck, might as well give it a try and see what happens.
I am Curt. Male. 6 feet tall and 210lbs of lean mean rollie-pollie-ollie. "What is that?", you may ask. It just came to me so I'm using it. I take a martial art called Hapkido and am close to getting my black belt. It's a lot of fun and can be very painful. I love it and wish to teach it one day. I hope to blog some on this in the future.
I am a Christian and living proof of why humanity needs a Savior. My life today is a result of my encounter with Jesus Christ many years ago. I will probably most definitely blog on this.
I have worked with the homeless here in Calgary for almost nine years and this experience has had a very positive and a very negative impact on me. I no longer work in this industry. Will I blog on this? Perhaps, perhaps not.
I am also married to Stacey
We have two wonderfully beautiful and fantastic little girls
Kenzie is an AMAZING artist. I may post some of her drawings here, if she'll let me. She loves to laugh and it is indeed infectious.
Alaina has a keen mind and beautiful smile. I swear she will figure out how to split the atom using pop cans and wax crayons while she busies herself doing mommy and daddy's taxes.
DEATH, slow and painful, to anyone who hurts these little ones!
On that happy note, take care and I look forward to seeing how this develops. I hope you enjoy it as well.
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