Monday, June 16, 2008

Could it be?

The sun has arrived! Yesterday was a gorgeous Sunday here in Curtville. This morning was one of those perfect mornings with the sun waking me up at 6:00am. The brightness in my bedroom was beautiful. I made some coffee and while it was brewing I looked out in the backyard and the birds were chowing down at the feeder and the dew was shining off the lawn. In a moment I will be sitting out there enjoying my coffee and doing some reading.

It's mornings like this that have me longing for the farm. My in-laws have lots of trees and birds and, and, and. It's quiet there and that is what I wish for the most at this particular point in my existence. At this moment in Curtville rush hour is happening. Kids are going to school. Airplanes are taking off and landing. Definitely the exact opposite of the farm. I think it is this place right now that has me appreciating the farm more and more. When we go there is takes a few days for my ears to stop ringing as I am used to all the noise here and there is a steep decline in it there.

That being said here's a tune that aptly reflects my feelings. Enjoy.

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