I go about my day living my life and things go pretty much normal. My day is interspersed with moments where I think about some scripture or I say a quick prayer but I am not what I consider a super Christian - not by a long shot!
I think terrible thoughts about others and say things about people that are incredibly hurtful (if I had the courage to say these things to their faces, which, of course, I rarely do). I am like "everyone else". In the things I say and the things I do I want to honor God but I know I don't. It is easy to measure my "goodness" against other people and come out on top. There's is always someone else out there who is "badder" than me.
Recently a Governor in the States has been on the news constantly for spending money on a high priced prostitute. I have been amazed at the continual barrage in the media of how much of a scumbag this guy really is. I am also amazed at how we all get in line to cut this guy down. Don't get me wrong, what he did is despicable. But it made me wonder if the despicable things in my life, or anyone's life, were brought out into the open for the world to see what that would do to my/our finger pointing and haughty smugness. Like Jesus said to the crowd who was about to kill a woman caught in adultery - "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." They all walked away.
An honest searching of me reveals that I am FULL of sin. God doesn't accept a "I'm a lot less sinful than that other person over there." A lot less sinful is still sin and ALL OF US are full of it. If we measure ourselves in this fashion against Christ we realize in light of who He is just how completely not even on the chart we are.
And so it comes to today and my question, "What does this mean to me, if anything?" He died in my place paying the penalty that my sin SO deserves in order that I might be rescued from sin and spiritual death. He rose again defeating death making it possible for those who believe in Him to live forever. No amount of doing good things could result in my being able to rescue myself because my sin had never been dealt with. I am so thankful that he knows the worst about me and chose to rescue me anyway. God sent His Son to do what humanity could never hope to do for itself.

Here's a neat vid to end this post with. I apologize for the sound quality, but enjoy it anyway.
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