Thursday, June 11, 2015

I'm a Christian...and It's Not Because I'm An Awesome Guy!

 It's been awhile since I've posted anything here.  I needed to get some thoughts out of my head due to all the stuff going on in "the world" today so here's a bit of a rant.

I am a Christian only because I believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News of the gift of salvation from God.  There is nothing good in me.  I am a wretched sinner whose only hope for rescue is by coming to God begging for His mercy on me.

Even before I heard the Gospel I KNEW I was a sinner and lost, doomed to Hell when I died.  Even though I would have denied it if you had asked me deep down inside I knew I was.  When I heard the Gospel message it confirmed what I already knew about myself.  How did I believe in Hell?  I don't know, I just did.  My life when I heard the Gospel was a small glimpse, a taste, of what Hell was going to be.  The Bible tells me that ALL are sinners in the eyes of God, and everyone's life proves this to be true.  The Bible also tells me that if all sinners do not repent and believe the Gospel while here on earth, when they die they will stand before God and be judged and sent to Hell.  Right now God is the enemy of every sinner and every sinner stand condemned already.  Every sinner is to be punished for sin - the judgement is held off for the time being until they die.  The Gospel is that Jesus Christ took the punishment of God that I rightly and justly deserve.  He took this punishment in my place, He paid my debt to God and rescued me.  By doing these He made peace with God on my behalf.  I believe this with my whole heart and I am SO thankful and grateful to my Lord and Savior.  How do I believe this?  I don't know, I just do.  I heard the Gospel and it was like a light went on.

The world that I live in right now is going through tremendous turmoil.  All people are sinners and when a Christian brings the Gospel message to a person, or takes a stand against a sinful lifestyle and offers a reason why they are against sin, they are violently dismissed, screamed at, raged against, taken to court, fined, etc., for being intolerant, haters of people, bigots.  It is truly fascinating, sad and scary to watch it all unfold.  People do not want to hear the truth that they are sinners.  People want to have their lives and lifestyles affirmed, to be told their lifestyles are acceptable in God's eyes.  The scary thing is that if they do not repent then they will die in their sin and be sent to Hell.

The professing church in the world I live in right now is also going through massive change.  As professing Christians continue to run away from the teaching of the Bible, sound doctrine and a life marked by repentance they are embracing what the world outside the church accepts and embraces already.  Homosexuality is the big thing now.  The absolute crazy thing here is that well known leaders in the professing church are telling sinners that their sin is acceptable in the eye of God.  Whole denominations are going this route, to the applause of the world.  We are seeing the Great Falling Away taking place before our eyes.

Christians do not come from any moral high ground AT ALL - how can they?  A Christian recognizes they are sinners who stand before God condemned for their sin but for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on their behalf.  When a Christian takes a stand against "the world", it's because they recognize sin for what it is and what it does and what it brings.  It's not because they are "holier-than-thou", or somehow "better than" others.  When a Christian tells you the Gospel it's because they are concerned for your very soul and want you to be saved from the punishment of God that will one day be yours in all its fury.  Don't be fooled - God does not love sin!  He hates it and will punish it.  If you don't believe that, look to what happened to the Lord Jesus Christ.


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