Thursday, December 13, 2012

John MacArthur on Titus

One of the really cool things about my job is that I'm on the road a lot.  I'm an insurance adjuster so a couple days a week I'm in the car driving to different towns and farms, mostly rural locations. 

As I'm travelling I've taken to listening to Bible teaching CD's.  John MacArthur has preached and taught on the ENTIRE New Testament!  All those books are available for download from the Grace to You website for free.

Over the last few weeks I have been listening to the series on the letter to Titus.  This teaching series has been such a blessing to me.   I am so thankful for John's faithfulness to preach and teach the Word of God, regardless of how the Word conflicts with the culture today. 

Titus is a word to Pastors/Elders, and to those desiring that office.  It has also been a blessed and convicting word to me...and I praise and thank God for that.  I am SO looking forward to the remaining lessons  - I'm on #24 at the moment. 

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