One of the really cool things about my job is that I'm on the road a lot. I'm an insurance adjuster so a couple days a week I'm in the car driving to different towns and farms, mostly rural locations.
As I'm travelling I've taken to listening to Bible teaching CD's. John MacArthur has preached and taught on the ENTIRE New Testament! All those books are available for download from the Grace to You website for free.
Over the last few weeks I have been listening to the series on the letter to Titus. This teaching series has been such a blessing to me. I am so thankful for John's faithfulness to preach and teach the Word of God, regardless of how the Word conflicts with the culture today.
Titus is a word to Pastors/Elders, and to those desiring that office. It has also been a blessed and convicting word to me...and I praise and thank God for that. I am SO looking forward to the remaining lessons - I'm on #24 at the moment.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Acts 13 - Some Thoughts
Acts 13: 36-52 “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers and underwent decay; but He whom God raised did not undergo decay. “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses. “Therefore take heed, so that the thing spoken of in the Prophets may not come upon you:
As Paul and Barnabas were going out, the people kept begging that these things might be spoken to them the next Sabbath. Now when the meeting of the synagogue had broken up, many of the Jews and of the God-fearing proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, were urging them to continue in the grace of God.
The next Sabbath nearly the whole city assembled to hear the word of the Lord. But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began contradicting the things spoken by Paul, and were blaspheming. Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly and said, “It was necessary that the word of God be spoken to you first; since you repudiate it and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the Gentiles.
“For so the Lord has commanded us,
When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed. And the word of the Lord was being spread through the whole region. But the Jews incited the devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city, and instigated a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their district. But they shook off the dust of their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”
Currently, I am reading through Acts and I read chapter 13 last night. Firstly, I am amazed how I am “discovering” verses throughout the NT (I'm not much in the OT at this point) that highlight the sovereignty of God in Salvation. Verse 48 “ many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.” - a clear statement if ever there was one! As I continue to think on these things, I am so encouraged, and greatly humbled, that I believe, and that inherent in my believing is the fact that I was appointed by God for eternal life in Christ Jesus. Knowing how great a sinner I am, I can only thank Him, and ask, “Why me?”.
“For so the Lord has commanded us,
The Jews rejected the word of God. Here, the NAS has it translated “since you repudiate it”. The ESV translates it “since you thrust is aside.” The NIV translates it as “Since you reject it”. The KJV translates it “but seeing ye put it from you”. Paul, in Romans 11, elaborates on the how's and why's of the Jews' rejection of the Gospel. Verse 1 says that God has not utterly rejected His people, as Paul himself is evidence of this. In verse 11, “Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious.” And verse 25 and 26, “Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved.” (BTW, there's another “sovereignty of God” passage. “Until the full number of Gentiles has come in.”). There is still hope for Israel. But since they have rejected the word of God, the Lord has commanded Paul and Barnabas that the gospel be given to the Gentiles. Acts 11:18, another one of those “sovereignty of God” passages, states “When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, “Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.” And “the Gentiles” includes me.
“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and
knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and his paths beyond tracing out!
“Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”
“Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay him?”
For from him and through him and to him are all
To him be the glory forever! Amen.”
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Al Mohler on "Athiests in the Pulpit - the Sad Charade of the Clergy Project"
A very sobering article Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary . Not in the sense that there are those in leadership in the church who are professing atheism. Don't get me wrong, that is terrible. It was these paragraphs from the article that really opened my eyes:
"Dennett and LaScola made a very interesting and important observation in their research report. They acknowledged that defining an unbelieving pastor is actually quite difficult. Given the fact that so many liberal churches and denominations already believe so little, how is atheism really different? In the name of tolerance, the liberal denominations have embraced so much unbelief that atheism is a practical challenge.
In the words of Dennett and LaScola: “This counsel of tolerance
creates a gentle fog that shrouds the question of belief in God in so
much indeterminacy that if asked whether they believe in God, many
people could sincerely say that they don’t know what they are being
You can link to the rest of the article here.
"The greater danger to the church is a reduction in doctrine that leaves atheism hard to distinguish from belief. And the real forces to fear are those who would counsel such a reduction." ~ Al Mohler, from this article
"Dennett and LaScola made a very interesting and important observation in their research report. They acknowledged that defining an unbelieving pastor is actually quite difficult. Given the fact that so many liberal churches and denominations already believe so little, how is atheism really different? In the name of tolerance, the liberal denominations have embraced so much unbelief that atheism is a practical challenge.
You can link to the rest of the article here.
"The greater danger to the church is a reduction in doctrine that leaves atheism hard to distinguish from belief. And the real forces to fear are those who would counsel such a reduction." ~ Al Mohler, from this article
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The World Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips - my brief thoughts.
I have been frequenting the blog Pyromaniacs almost daily for a few years now and it was there is discovered one of the blogs writers, Dan Phillips. Off and on Dan had/has been promoting The World Tilting Gospel (TWTG) and I became curious about it. After awhile I decided to purchase it and, boy am I glad that I did!
A few years ago I realized that I didn't know what the Gospel was. Specifically, how to articulate it. I didn't understand the various rich aspects of it. Mine was a relatively surface understanding and, as I found out the more I looked into it, "surface" may have been an understatement!
I've been a Christian for years and over time just took for granted that I really knew the Gospel. How could I be a Christian and NOT know it?! I knew I was a forgiven sinner, that Jesus Christ had died for me and rose again. I rested there. However I started to take notice when I would hear phrases in sermons like, "We can do such-and-such because of what Jesus has done for us." Or, "Because of what Jesus has done for us we are no longer this-or-that." I realized that I had never really looked any deeper into the "WHAT" that Jesus "HAS DONE". Dan Phillips has done just that in TWTG.
He shows from the Scriptures what the Fall did to humanity, the far-reaching effects of it. How "bad", how sinful we really are, and how utterly hopeless we are to do anything about it. On page 69, ..."sin not only makes us behave badly, it makes us think badly." Further, "We may see things, but we do not see them as they are, do not know what they mean, do not rank priorities rightly. We look at the world through distorted lenses." It was this portion of the book, these paragraphs, that opened my eyes to my sin. I had repented as best I knew how. I believed that Jesus paid the penalty for my sin. It just didn't "feel" like it. When I read those words describing just how much sin has affected me I realized I had been wanting some feeling, some kind of comfort to confirm my repentance and forgiveness - my thinking was twisted! I turned from this and read Romans 10:9 which says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." I now trust His Word and what it says to confirm my salvation, rather than waiting on a feeling. There is a "settledness" now that I am trusting His Word, the sure foundation, which is far deeper and sturdier than any feeling.
There is a chapter called "The Quagmire of Muzzy Mysticism" which addresses the "Letting Christ live through us", or "Let go and let God" teaching that I had been taught in a Bible School I attended years ago. I've struggled with this teaching and how it applies to my life for years but not known why. That's all I will say on this as Phillips blows the lid off the whole thing! It's really good!!!
What I have taken from this book is immense! How great a salvation we have in Jesus Christ, how far-reaching the effects sin has on me, how awesome God is. There is SO MUCH here!
All I can say is: Thank you, Dan Phillips, for writing this book, a book that is easily readable and understandable and so pertinent, so needed!, for the Body of Christ today. Everyone who names the name of Jesus Christ today should dig into this treasure!
A few years ago I realized that I didn't know what the Gospel was. Specifically, how to articulate it. I didn't understand the various rich aspects of it. Mine was a relatively surface understanding and, as I found out the more I looked into it, "surface" may have been an understatement!
I've been a Christian for years and over time just took for granted that I really knew the Gospel. How could I be a Christian and NOT know it?! I knew I was a forgiven sinner, that Jesus Christ had died for me and rose again. I rested there. However I started to take notice when I would hear phrases in sermons like, "We can do such-and-such because of what Jesus has done for us." Or, "Because of what Jesus has done for us we are no longer this-or-that." I realized that I had never really looked any deeper into the "WHAT" that Jesus "HAS DONE". Dan Phillips has done just that in TWTG.
He shows from the Scriptures what the Fall did to humanity, the far-reaching effects of it. How "bad", how sinful we really are, and how utterly hopeless we are to do anything about it. On page 69, ..."sin not only makes us behave badly, it makes us think badly." Further, "We may see things, but we do not see them as they are, do not know what they mean, do not rank priorities rightly. We look at the world through distorted lenses." It was this portion of the book, these paragraphs, that opened my eyes to my sin. I had repented as best I knew how. I believed that Jesus paid the penalty for my sin. It just didn't "feel" like it. When I read those words describing just how much sin has affected me I realized I had been wanting some feeling, some kind of comfort to confirm my repentance and forgiveness - my thinking was twisted! I turned from this and read Romans 10:9 which says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." I now trust His Word and what it says to confirm my salvation, rather than waiting on a feeling. There is a "settledness" now that I am trusting His Word, the sure foundation, which is far deeper and sturdier than any feeling.
There is a chapter called "The Quagmire of Muzzy Mysticism" which addresses the "Letting Christ live through us", or "Let go and let God" teaching that I had been taught in a Bible School I attended years ago. I've struggled with this teaching and how it applies to my life for years but not known why. That's all I will say on this as Phillips blows the lid off the whole thing! It's really good!!!
What I have taken from this book is immense! How great a salvation we have in Jesus Christ, how far-reaching the effects sin has on me, how awesome God is. There is SO MUCH here!
All I can say is: Thank you, Dan Phillips, for writing this book, a book that is easily readable and understandable and so pertinent, so needed!, for the Body of Christ today. Everyone who names the name of Jesus Christ today should dig into this treasure!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Prep and Delivery - The Sermon
never realized how hard it is to write sermon. You read the Bible
and pick a topic. You find out where the Bible talks about that
topic, you gather all the Scriptures together, taking into account
the context. You begin to see God's mind on that particular subject.
If you know the original languages (I don't) and are well versed in
interpreting the original languages (I'm not) there is an even
greater nuance given to the topic. Then you search other authors,
pastors, commentaries, etc., and see what they have to say on the
topic. You then begin your draft.
flesh out those areas that kind of hit you but you NEVER stray from
the original intent of the author. As the sermon begins to take
shape you realize that YOU are the one being taught. You never
understood this topic in that way before. Your understanding is
being challenged and then, as you submit to the Word of God, your
understanding is being changed. This is just AMAZING! And this is
all taking place right there at your table, or your desk, in your home, in your office, etc.
reality hits you. You have a choice to make. Will you actually
preach this? Will you stand up there and tell people this. You know
that what you have just learned, even though it's so cool and
amazing, flies in the face of where our culture is at today. It
flies in the face of what is being advocated by other pastors, other
teachers in the church. As you think more and more about this you
realize that maybe it would be easier to just trim it down a bit.
Take off the “hard edges”, not wanting to offend your listeners.
After all, these are nice people. Sure, they make mistakes. But who
doesn't? Why not tell them something that will bring them comfort
after a hard week of being out there “in the world”? You know,
build them up, encourage them. If you do this what will they say to
you? What will they do to you? The more you think about it the more
you realize that you don't need THAT kind of trouble! What will you
a preacher of God's Word means you must have courage. You must have
the courage to stand there and deliver the Word of God to people, to
His chosen people, regardless of how hard it is or how it may offend.
If you don't faithfully proclaim the truth of the Word of God then
you are useless. It takes a lot of courage to remain faithful and do
recently read a blog post from a pastor, who also teaches at a Bible
school I once attended. He
discusses homosexuality and what he sees in the gay people he knows
and how the way they are appears to be in conflict with the most
common reading of Romans 1. He says, “I know the
right answer here is “don’t let your experience determine your
interpretation”, but after meetings dozens of gay people who read
their Bibles regularly, pray, and desperately want to honor God with
their lives, I’m beginning to wonder if the standard interpretation
might be wrong...”
The Apostle in Romans 1 says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...” The Apostle was not ashamed of the Gospel...and he pulled no punches when proclaiming the Word. Read his encounters with angry crowds in the Book of Acts to see the outcome of this.
It takes courage to be faithful and preach the Word of God.
Friday, October 5, 2012
*** Important ***
A blog that I follow regularly called Hip and Thigh, written by Fred Butler recently had a post I have to link to here (Hip and Thigh - Geopolitics and the Bible).
There is a 3 part series called Geopolitics and the Bible that I've been listening to. It's very interesting. Check it out!
There is a 3 part series called Geopolitics and the Bible that I've been listening to. It's very interesting. Check it out!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Immediacy of Death
Today, actually less than 30 minutes ago, an incident took place at the end of my driveway.
My girls called me and said there was a car parked at the end of the driveway and it looked like someone was laying on the ground. I saw the car so I put on my shoes and went out. Sure enough, there was a woman in hysterics with another woman holding her. An older man was lying on the ground unconscious as another man was doing chest compressions while on the phone with a 911 operator.
I went to the man's head and put my sweater under it - he was lying on my gravel driveway. I told the guy doing chest compressions that I had a cold and shouldn't give him mouth to mouth. We were going to switch, me do the compressions and he do mouth to mouth but we never did - he kept talking to the 911 person. As I think about this now, what a dumb thing to even think. Here's a guy lying on the ground unconscious, most likely dead, and I'm worried about passing on my cold to him.
Not very long after other vehicles stopped. There was an off duty fireman and a lady who took over doing CPR. You could hear the guys ribs breaking with the compressions. During this whole time the man's wife is sobbing uncontrollably, begging him to breathe. I then noticed a little girl. She was their grand daughter, and she was with them in the vehicle when this whole thing started. She was bravely trying to console her grandmother. I felt useless, and totally and utterly powerless.
I started to pray - what else could I do? - but I didn't know how to, I didn't know what to say Was this guy saved? If so, then his passing would not be a bad thing. He would immediately be with his Lord and would be more alive than I was. What if he was not saved?
If he was not saved then...what can be done? There is no longer any hope for him. Just like that. So sudden. That quickly. Having a nap in the car and then...judgement. God is your judge. God is your enemy. You appear before Him, not in robes washed white because of the forgiveness of sin that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, but in the filth and corruption of all your sin. I looked in his unseeing eyes and wondered how to pray, what to say. As with all things, he is in the hands of God. And God is merciful, and God is just.
The ambulances arrived and they did their work on him, hooking him up to the defibrillator and shocking him. When they took him away he was still unconscious. Will he regain consciousness? If not, will he be welcomed into heaven? Or is it too late for him? How do you pray in a situation like this?
My girls called me and said there was a car parked at the end of the driveway and it looked like someone was laying on the ground. I saw the car so I put on my shoes and went out. Sure enough, there was a woman in hysterics with another woman holding her. An older man was lying on the ground unconscious as another man was doing chest compressions while on the phone with a 911 operator.
I went to the man's head and put my sweater under it - he was lying on my gravel driveway. I told the guy doing chest compressions that I had a cold and shouldn't give him mouth to mouth. We were going to switch, me do the compressions and he do mouth to mouth but we never did - he kept talking to the 911 person. As I think about this now, what a dumb thing to even think. Here's a guy lying on the ground unconscious, most likely dead, and I'm worried about passing on my cold to him.
Not very long after other vehicles stopped. There was an off duty fireman and a lady who took over doing CPR. You could hear the guys ribs breaking with the compressions. During this whole time the man's wife is sobbing uncontrollably, begging him to breathe. I then noticed a little girl. She was their grand daughter, and she was with them in the vehicle when this whole thing started. She was bravely trying to console her grandmother. I felt useless, and totally and utterly powerless.
I started to pray - what else could I do? - but I didn't know how to, I didn't know what to say Was this guy saved? If so, then his passing would not be a bad thing. He would immediately be with his Lord and would be more alive than I was. What if he was not saved?
If he was not saved then...what can be done? There is no longer any hope for him. Just like that. So sudden. That quickly. Having a nap in the car and then...judgement. God is your judge. God is your enemy. You appear before Him, not in robes washed white because of the forgiveness of sin that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, but in the filth and corruption of all your sin. I looked in his unseeing eyes and wondered how to pray, what to say. As with all things, he is in the hands of God. And God is merciful, and God is just.
The ambulances arrived and they did their work on him, hooking him up to the defibrillator and shocking him. When they took him away he was still unconscious. Will he regain consciousness? If not, will he be welcomed into heaven? Or is it too late for him? How do you pray in a situation like this?
Monday, August 27, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Repentance - Paul Washer
A few years ago I discovered John MacArthur on Larry King Live. I attribute this discovery to the Providence of God. I was so encouraged by him, that he could be on national television and present the Gospel, the truth of Scripture, no matter what. Since that time Lord has used him to encourage me so much.
I have since discovered Paul Washer. I thank God that He is raising godly men, like Paul, who are not afraid to speak the Truth, and who hold to the Truth without compromise.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
I Can Hardly Wait!
I have this longing. Within the last few years I've really taken note of it, and it is continuing to grow stronger.
I long to be in Heaven with my Lord!
I long to be in that place, with my Lord, in my resurrected body...a body that is totally without sin. I will know Him perfectly. I will know Him without any burden of sin getting in the way. My thoughts will be pure, not tainted. My actions will be right, not selfish. Most importantly I will worship God as He is meant to be worshipped, as I should worship Him - fully and completely, with my whole being!
In that place all things will be pure. The true Church, the Body of Christ, will be there. We will be there with our Lord. We will be His and He will be ours. I so long to be pure!
No more dealing with worldliness in the church. No more dealing with apostasy in the church. The Truth will be known.
This is my hope and the hope of all the Elect – “ depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.” Philippians 1:23.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your salvation!
I long to be in Heaven with my Lord!
I long to be in that place, with my Lord, in my resurrected body...a body that is totally without sin. I will know Him perfectly. I will know Him without any burden of sin getting in the way. My thoughts will be pure, not tainted. My actions will be right, not selfish. Most importantly I will worship God as He is meant to be worshipped, as I should worship Him - fully and completely, with my whole being!
In that place all things will be pure. The true Church, the Body of Christ, will be there. We will be there with our Lord. We will be His and He will be ours. I so long to be pure!
This is my hope and the hope of all the Elect – “ depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.” Philippians 1:23.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your salvation!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Phil Johnson is leaving the Blogosphere
Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace to You and creator of probably THE most amazing blog in this entire universe (Pyromaniacs), is retiring from blogging. Frank Turk, one of the writers at Pyro, posted this hilarious video in response to Phil's retirement.
Phil, thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Word of God and to His Church. It was through discovering John MacArthur in 2008 that I first heard about you and it was through Pyro that I got to "know" you. You WILL be missed!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
This video is part of a further blog article written by Chris Costaldo. The link can be found (here). Watch the video and then link to the article.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Spurgeon Gem
I owe all my happiness since then to the same plain doctrine. Now, suppose that I were to say, "I have read a great many books, and there are a great many people willing to hear me. I really could not preach such a commonplace gospel as I did at the first. I must put it in a sophisticated way, so that none but the elite can understand me."
I should be—what should I be? I should be a fool, writ large.
I should be worse than that, I should be a traitor to my God; for if I was saved by a simple gospel, then I am bound to preach that same simple gospel till I die, so that others too may be saved by it.
When I cease to preach salvation by faith in Jesus put me into a lunatic asylum, for you may be sure that my mind is gone.
- C. H. Spurgeon
I found this post on the Pyromaniac's blog and I just had to put it here. This was SO encouraging to me when I read it. The simple gospel saves.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Al Mohler at T4G 2012
I discovered the Together for the Gospel (T4G) conference after reading the awesome blog, Pyromaniacs, and found out the writers from Pyro attended. I thought I would check out some of the videos from the speakers and after listening to this I just had to post it. I'm looking forward to watching the other videos from this conference.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Great Apostasy
I never realized how far along this
road the church has come since I was first saved in 1993. Back then
it was just weird and strange and amazing and awesome for me to even
BE in a church building. At the time it was the most holiest place
on earth to me. Nothing was wrong there, nor could there ever be
anything wrong in the church.
It didn't take long for me to go crazy
with drugs and alcohol. It really began in junior high and after
high school I went downhill fast. When I came to the end of my rope
I was seriously thinking that if partying was all there was to life
then I would just kill myself. Suicide WAS an option. I came back
to live with my parents and vowed I would do no more partying. I
would not call any of my old buddies because I knew that once we got
together that would be it. I just didn't know what to do. Stuck
living with my parents in a town where there were no jobs and a vow
that pretty much had me confined to staring out a window, I did not
know how long I would last. I got a call one day from a guy I hung
out with in school. In school he was the metal head. Music was this
guy's life! To this day I have not seen the like in anyone else. He
would bounce from being a satanist, buying and listening to all the
satanic metal. Then something would happen and he would throw out
all his tapes, become a Christian and buy Christian metal tapes.
Something would happen that would have him hating God and he would
throw out the Christian tapes get the point. There was a
sort of yo-yo thing going on.
He called me up and wanted to hang out
and since I didn't know if he was a Christian or Satanist, I asked
him. I didn't want to get high or drink, just hang out. He said he
was a Christian still. So, I decided that I would put up with the
preaching, which was sure to come, if only I could get out of the
house and hang out with someone and not get high or drunk. I did
this daily, and everyday he would “fire and brimstone” me. He
told me the Gospel. I was going to Hell if I did not repent and come
to Jesus and ask His forgiveness. Jesus would save me, paying my
sin-debt to God, being crucified on the cross in my place. He died
and rose again and would come to live in me. The crazy thing about
this is that I knew this. Or, more specifically, I knew that if
there was a God that I WAS going to Hell. Only a fool would think
they could have lived the life I had been living and NOT go to Hell.
God had been preparing me for that, to hear the Gospel, to be
convicted of my sin and shown that I was under His judgement. I
understood it! I knew it! Everyday my friend would preach to me and
when I left his house he would give me a Gospel tract.
One night I knew that I had to decide –
God was at work in me and I didn't even know it – Jesus? or Hell?
Because of His work in me I chose Jesus. It wasn't until many, many
years later that I realized that I chose Him because He first chose
me. I literally got down on my knees – I wanted to do this right
and I knew that when people prayed they got down on their knees. I
opened all the Bible tracts he had given me and read each one through
from beginning to end – I wanted to make sure I got it right, not
wanting someone to come along at a later time and tell me I did it
wrong. I then prayed the prayer that was on the back of each one. I
then prayed myself, asking Jesus to come into my heart and forgive my
sin. I remember saying, “As bad as I am right now, I want to be
that good for You. I know I can't do it. You're going to have to
change me.” It was really a strange experience. It felt like
someone was in the bedroom with me and I knew, somehow, that what I
had asked for was acceptable – He would change me because I
couldn't. The weight, the burden that I had felt was suddenly gone.
Just like that, it was gone. That was the greatest night of my life!
It was after that night that I started attending a Bible study and
“going to church”.
I grew to love it! Learning about
Jesus and wallowing in the salvation that had been given to me. I
was forgiven because of what Jesus did for me. ALL of my sin had
been forgiven. He paid my sin-debt to God. He was living in me and
He was changing me. He is so awesome! I had my ups and downs. God
did some cool things in my life and I had some “run-ins” with
people in the church who didn't like what God was doing through me or
how my new life in Christ may have been making theirs seem not so
good. I didn't care – Jesus was awesome and He was transforming my
life. What great and hard times those were.
Around this time I was also asked if I
would be interested in meeting with a guy to be discipled. This guy
had recently graduated from Bible School with a Bachelor of Theology
degree. This guy was awesome! Everyday I would meet with him and
talk with him about the Bible, about Jesus, what I had been reading
and had trouble understanding, etc. He would explain these things to
me, answer my questions and enquiries – he even cried one day when
he saw how much Jesus was at work on my life and how I was growing.
It made me kind of uncomfortable – I had never had another guy cry
about me before! It wasn't long before he moved to another province
and we just lost touch. It wasn't until Facebook that we reconnected
– more about that later.
A few years after my salvation I
attended a Bible school and it was here that I first learned that
maybe some things in the church were not all I thought they had once
been. The Patriarchs, Moses, David, the Prophets – these men of
God had been super-human to me before Bible school. I always thought
they never did anything wrong and that only the very special people,
like them, had relationships with God like they did. While studying
the lives of these great men of God I saw they were just like me,
sinful and corrupt human beings whom God chose for His purposes and
used as He saw fit.
There were other things as well. I had
thought all Pastors were super human to. I came to realize they were
not, that they were just like I was. They also didn't know
everything like I had once thought. Shoot! I knew NOTHING about my
salvation and a life in Christ when I was newly saved. My Pastor had
all the answers to the questions I was asking. He was so good and
understanding and he put up with a lot from me, both good and bad. I
know he would be the first to confess his imperfection and would balk
at the phrase “all Pastors are super-human.”
I started to see how worldliness was in
the church. It was very subtle. Instead of growing to know Jesus,
who He is, although that would always be the stated goal, what seemed
more important through the actual preaching from the pulpit, was
going out and telling people ABOUT Jesus. I started to think, “How
can we tell people about Someone we don't know?” However, it was
implied that we DID know Him. After all we were all Christians,
right? It appeared to me that sharing your faith was more important
than making disciples. Making disciples is about teaching others who
Jesus is, sound doctrine, right theology, and following Him. There
were classes presented on how to share your faith. Use a certain
technique, say it this way, tell at least one person each day about
Jesus, etc. Numbers and doing more rather than growing in Christ and
learning about Him. You see...subtle.
Success was presented as getting a good
career and rising to a position of influence where one could make a
“positive change for Christ.” This conflicted with a reading of
Hebrews chapter 11. What was being presented to me as success was
very different from what chapter 11 presented as success. “The
world was not worthy of them.” I began to see more and more how
the things of the world, the worldly ways of doing things (ex:
marketing the church), were becoming more accepted in the church.
Years passed and I attended another
Bible school. I was a second year student when I enrolled as they
took the year at the first Bible school into account. I really
didn't take any actual courses on any books of the Bible as there
were no Bible courses for the second year. So, Psychology,
Sociology, Cultural Anthropology and Witnessing were some of the
course offerings. We did a course on preaching but it was more on
“how” to preach, your technique. I remember questioning the
school counsellor about it - “This is a Bible school, how come
there are no Bible classes for me?” All I remember was his look,
not what he said. It is hard to describe – shock, concern, and
then a smirky smile. It's a weird memory. I remember reading the
job posting board at the school and all the Senior Pastor positions
required the senior to have a degree in Business Admin. Business
Administration to be a Pastor!? Maybe to help market the church?
Or, perhaps, run the office more efficiently?
Fast forward to this present time,
The person whom the Lord used to lead
me to Him is currently living “in sin” with his girlfriend. His
justification - “We're not like a bunch of horny toads. We're old
so we're not having sex all the time.” He knows that what he is
doing is wrong but continues in it. He thinks that as long as he has
a longing to live rightly before God then this is enough because he
can't stop. He has the longing without the life to back it up. I
have talked to him about this a few times but the more I do the more
it appears to drive him away because he thinks I'm judging him. This
breaks my heart and makes me very afraid for him because if he
continues in this broken, unrepentant sin then I fear for his
salvation. Is a person whose life is characterized by unrepentant
sin really saved? I hope and prayer is that he will repent of his
sin and follow Christ. Jesus knows His sheep – I hope he is one of
The person who discipled me has
completely rejected Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. The Gospel
is now foolishness to him, the Bible written by ancient writers from
ancient times using ancient languages and it is so filtered by other
peoples interpretations and other cultures that it is no longer
reliable or trustworthy. He attempts to find truth through
rationality and because he can't understand rationally what the
scriptures say he rejects them, and rejects Jesus Christ. The Bible
is so clear that the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing
and they cannot know it apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
It is foolishness to unbelievers, but the wisdom of God to those who
have been saved by Him. His defection has been very hard for me to
come to grips with. From what I remember of him he appeared to be
what I thought he was – a Christian. So was Judas, I guess, until
he defected. The Apostle John says, “They went out from us but
they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would
have remained with us; but they went out, in order that it might be
shown that they all are not of us.” Seeing this episode in my life
with this person in light of this verse, I see the amazing
sovereignty of God. He used someone who was “not of us” to teach
me amazing things about Jesus.
The church today accepts cultural norms
rather than standing on scripture. The church wants so desperately
to not offend anyone they have lost sight that the Gospel itself is
offensive because it calls people to repentance after exposing their
sin. The Gospel message of the church today is “Believe in Jesus.
If you do, welcome to the Kingdom!” There is no exposing of sin,
being broken by the Law of God. A person is not forced to see what
they are, their condition before God. There is nothing like this at
all because that would offend people and drive them away. We want
people to come to the church and feel welcome, then someday we might
give them the Good News. I think it is this kind of watered down
teaching that helps one along the road of apostasy. Better that a
person be broken by the Law of God and see how great his sin and need
of a Saviour really is and be brought to genuine repentance than to
have a person make a lifestyle change and learn the church lingo, all
the while believing they are saved because they've made some changes
that appear good.
I am constantly reading a blog called
Pyromaniacs and just recently Phil Johnson, one of the writers and
the creator of the blog, posted this very interesting piece on
It's a very timely post.
Lastly, this hard message preached many years ago by Paul Washer.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I can't remember when it was that I started hearing
the word "passion" in the church. I haven't grown up in the church so maybe
this word has been in use since before my time.
My first remembrance of hearing this
word was around the time I got saved and began to attend a local
church body. I think passion was used in reference to Jesus'
sufferings on the cross. The movie, “The Passion of the Christ”,
came out a few years ago showing in quite graphic detail the Lord's
sufferings as he paid the penalty for the sins of all those who would
believe. It was strange to hear this word used to describe His
“Finding your spiritual
gift” was a big one at the time I began to attend church. In order to do this you needed to
find out: What are you passionate about? What's your passion?
Whatever your passion was, it somehow related to what your spiritual
gift was. I remember being confused by this at the time because I
thought a person had more than one spiritual gift. It also
felt...weird using the word “passion” and relating it to
spiritual gifts. Being a new Christian at the time, the word
“passion” had a completely different meaning to me and was, more
often than not, used to denote something sexual in nature.
“Finding your passion” was another
one. It seemed like an attempt to get lazy people up and moving.
You know, kind of like, “Stop moping and wandering around
aimlessly! Get out there, find your passion, and get going.” It
seemed like an appeal to find out what excites you, what motivates
you, what really piques your interest more than anything else. I've
heard successful people refer to something similar when they say, “Find
out what you really love and do it.” That's how they made their
fortune. What they did wasn't a chore, it was their “passion”.
This also seemed weird – relating business practices to the Church.
It seems like nowadays when I read a
mission statement from a church, from a pastor, from a missionary,
etc., they use this word quite frequently. It's like a catch word
that has to be a part of any formal description of what they do and
who they are. I watched a show awhile back about speeches and
advertising and such. When the President of the United States is
going to give a speech they run several versions of it by panels of
regular citizens and then pick out the words that really resonate
with the people. They continually tweak the speech until they arrive
at the final version which has those nice catch words throughout. As
I see the continued use of “passion” in the church it's almost
like that same thing has happened. It's a word that seems to resonate with
everyone. Never having attended a “Church Growth” seminar I
can't speak to what is taught there. The continued use of this word in the writings that I've mentioned makes me wonder if there is a connection there, a similarity, along the same lines as the presidential speech writers.
If catch words must be used I wish a
new word would take the place of “passion” and all it's
variations. I read a pastor's blog awhile ago and this word was used
repeatedly throughout to describe the congregation and himself. I
began to wonder, “He's saying it so much that it sounds almost like
he is trying to convince himself he is the way he says he is.” I
wish pastor's would stop trying to get “their” people excited
about spiritual things, realizing the futility of trying to keep people excited. I wish
pastor's would have a passion to study the Word of God a lot more and
teach the Word to “their” people so that the people would see and
understand how awesome God is, how much He hates sin, how great our
sin debt was but Jesus Christ paid it for us. I wish pastor's would
see that God grows His Church through the simple preaching of the
Gospel, not through some technique or program, and it is that Gospel that is an offense. I wish they would
see that people leaving the church because of the preaching and
teaching of God's Word is okay, instead of giving a 15 minute pep
talk and then announcing the next potluck. Offend no one. Keep
everyone happy. Be passionate.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
A "Must Learn" song!
I recently discovered Jim Reeves, and along with that discovery, this awesome song! GET THIS SONG and crank it up! Then grab your geetar and start the magic.
World is Not My Home
recorded by Jim Reeves
written by Mary Reeves and Albert E. Brumley
recorded by Jim Reeves
written by Mary Reeves and Albert E. Brumley
This world is not my home I'm just a passing through
D7 G7
My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
G7 C
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
Oh Lord you know I have no friend like you
D7 G7
If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do
The angels beckon me from heaven's open door
G7 C
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
I have a loving mother just over in Glory land
D7 G7
And I don't expect to stop until I shake her hand
She's waiting now for me in heaven's open door
G7 C
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
Just over in Glory land we'll live eternally
D7 G7
The saints on every hand are shouting victory
Their songs of sweetest praise drift back from heaven's shore
G7 C
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore
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