Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The poor you will always have with you. But you will not always have me.” Matt 26:11

I thought about this in Church the other morning and wondered - “Does poverty exist so that the Body of Christ, the Church, will do something about it?”

In Matt 25:31-46 Jesus finished telling how people are separated at the judgment (the sheep and the goats) and they are separated based on what they did for the poor, the hurting, the “least of these.” Those who are hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, a stranger, a person in prison...and the least of these. When God's people do something for these people – Jesus says, “...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

So, it made me wonder the question I posed earlier.

I then thought about my time working at the homeless shelter in Calgary. We did lots of stuff for the homeless and sometimes we shared the gospel with the people. We seemed intent on helping them with the “issues” that had them on the street – addictions, mental illness, anger, abuse, etc. We also presented ways they could deal with these issues – AA, AADAC, medication for mental disorders, Anger Management, counseling, etc. I wonder if this was a worldly way of doing Matt 25:31-46? We were giving them ways to deal with this stuff without giving them Jesus Christ, without presenting the gospel. We were having them deal with this stuff on their own, without Christ. But, sometimes these people would discover Christ through these things as they realized that they could not make it through this stuff on their own, that they needed Someone or something. Like I said, sometimes people would discover Jesus Christ through what they were doing to deal with their “issues”.

I wonder if we fulfill Matt 25 by meeting these needs...and if the opportunity arises, present the Gospel to these people? Let Jesus take care of them. Sure, we offer to help support them through what they're going through but it is always to point the person to Jesus, not some program or fad or method or...etc. I guess I mean that Jesus will take care of the person, we help meet the need. An example: Say the person has no food to eat but, for whatever reason, isn't looking for work or has not found a job. We don't work about the reason's we meet the need. We buy him some food, get him a meal...something to help. Out of this the opportunity comes to tell that person why we're doing what we're doing. What do you think? Comments, please.

Is poverty in the world so God's people will have opportunity to serve Christ, to show His love, by serving the poor? A look at Revelation when it talks about Heaven – there is no mention of poverty there. So maybe it's down here for the people of Jesus to do something about? Maybe we will "always" have the poor so the Church can do something to help them, to serve Christ by serving them? An opportunity to lend action to our faith. If so then the “War Against Poverty” is one that will be lost. It will never be eliminated because Jesus said, “The poor you will ALWAYS have with you...” It's always going to be here...and if it's always going to be here then there will always be opportunity for the Body of Christ to do something about it.

These are some things I've been "chewing" on lately. Please leave your comments because I would like to know what you think about what I've said. Am I way off base? Do I have something here? I find when I get to thinking about stuff like this I get into a tunnel vision and can't seem to see outside the box as it were. Anyway, I'm done.


D+ said...

Great thoughts, Curt. I've been wrestling with similar questions myself. Do I give money to anyone on the street who asks or should I give to an "organization" to make sure it is alloted fairly? Do I give money to someone for a cup of coffee and sandwich or do I "save" my money to "provide for my family"? Do I donate to fix houses in Haiti or save money to buy my own someday?

It comes down to whether or not I should be "strategic" with money or just "generous."

I will only say that most of my attempts at being "strategic" have ended up being rather ingenious ways to mask my selfishness...

... or is it "selfishness"...?

Not much help here, Curt. Sorry :(

Curt said...

I hear ya. I've had the same thoughts, and these were cultivated a lot through working at the homeless shelters. Trying to weed out the scammers, or catch someone scamming or...eh, whatever.

I think today I would not give a person actual cash but would get them that coffee or offer to buy food or coupons for Safeway or some such. Maybe that's being selfish and going against true giving? Just give the money and let God deal with the person, regardless if I think they will use the cash for purposes other than what I intended. Is that what we're to do? Maybe, I don't know, but maybe.

In the end, with your being "strategic", did you actually follow through and give? Me, I would think on it and roll it around for a bit until I never bothered giving. It's like, "Well, I've thought about it so my job is done." Never committing to it.

I have to admit there is a kind of freedom in giving to meet someone's need and letting God deal with my perceived notions about what that person will do with it.

D+ said...

Ha! You caught me. I usually just think ABOUT giving rather than actually giving. It saves money :)