It's been pretty busy in Curtville this year. Work is insane and this has been the biggest busy of this busy year. It's pretty overwhelming and I am getting stretched more than I have been in a LONG while. Hopefully I can make it through this time.
I was in town today and noticed something interesting. It is really quite amazing how the stores move from holiday to holiday as soon as they possibly can. There are Valentines Day AND Easter stuff already on sale here. I was thinking, "How quickly we forget Christmas." I wonder how this is. It seems like I spent weeks gearing up for Christmas. Weeks. Anything commercial having to do with Christmas was everywhere. Now, it's like a wind just came and blew it all away. Where did it go? What happened? Oh, another holiday it coming? Gotcha. Better start gearing up. Really bizarre. Does humanity need this? Is this what we're about? Moving from one celebration to another with no thought as to what we're celebrating. Get the gifts. Give the gifts. Stay up til midnight partying. Buy something red and chocolatey and heart shaped for that special someone. Buy something chocolatey and rabbit-ish to celebrate the death of Jesus Christ. What's next?
Thoughts and a rant and...
Happy New Year everyone. Man, I got a real hankerin' for chocolate.
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