G'day mates, and welcome to all you dang foreigners from other nations. I finally decided to try my hand at this blog-thingy I keep seeing other friends of mine doing.
I'm not exactly sure what my intent in beginning a blog is but I thought, heck, might as well give it a try and see what happens.
I am Curt. Male. 6 feet tall and 210lbs of lean mean rollie-pollie-ollie. "What is that?", you may ask. It just came to me so I'm using it. I take a martial art called Hapkido and am close to getting my black belt. It's a lot of fun and can be very painful. I love it and wish to teach it one day. I hope to blog some on this in the future.
I am a Christian and living proof of why humanity needs a Savior. My life today is a result of my encounter with Jesus Christ many years ago. I will probably most definitely blog on this.
I have worked with the homeless here in Calgary for almost nine years and this experience has had a very positive and a very negative impact on me. I no longer work in this industry. Will I blog on this? Perhaps, perhaps not.
I am also married to Stacey

(ain't she purty?). She is the kindest, gentlest, honest woman I have ever met. I love her very much!
We have two wonderfully beautiful and fantastic little girls

Mackenzie (8) and Alaina (6). They're my little poopsies.
Kenzie is an AMAZING artist. I may post some of her drawings here, if she'll let me. She loves to laugh and it is indeed infectious.
Alaina has a keen mind and beautiful smile. I swear she will figure out how to split the atom using pop cans and wax crayons while she busies herself doing mommy and daddy's taxes.
DEATH, slow and painful, to anyone who hurts these little ones!
On that happy note, take care and I look forward to seeing how this develops. I hope you enjoy it as well.