Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Blessing, and the Curse, of Discovering John MacArthur

I've been giving some thought lately on my discovery of John MacArthur a few years ago. As I pondered this, I realized that this discovery has been a HUGE blessing to me in so many ways. However, I've also realized that this discovery came with a curse of sorts.

After completing two whole years of Bible College – each year at a different school and roughly six years apart – I felt I had a pretty good grasp on things. I sailed along for many years in this condition. Along the way, I was introduced to Calvinism by a group of people that began to attend the Church I was a part of. I couldn't stand their arrogance! There's just no other way of putting it. I did not agree with them AT ALL!, but a big part of this had to do with how they carried themselves. I went to my Pastor with my concerns about this only to discover that he was a Calvinist as well. All this time and he never said anything of the sort, neither in one-on-one conversations nor from the pulpit. I picked up “What is Reformed Theology” by RC Sproul and finally discovered, with all the snotty arrogance left out, what Calvinism was about. I realized that this is what the Bible taught and did a complete turnaround in my belief on this.  I'd like to think that the "snotty arrogance" in those who initially introduced me to these doctrines has remained with them.  

Both the Bible schools I went to never taught any specific Doctrines, except for one class. It was at the first school I attended. The class was the Doctrine of Salvation. The school's Director came to give us a talk before the teacher came, and one of the things he stressed was a warning for us not to get caught up in the “doctriney stuff”. I realize this now, years later, that I imbibed basically a “We love Jesus, not doctrine” mentality.

Fast forward many years later.

The night I discovered John MacArthur I was searching Bible teachers' names on You Tube. I had heard of MacArthur when I was a new Christian so I put his name in. There were a number of hits and some were with him on Larry King Live. For years prior to this I had watched numerous talk shows in dismay when they had a pastor giving the “religious perspective”. “Wishy-washy” is about the kindest term I can use to describe what those pastors would usually say. MacArthur was COMPLETELY different! Whatever question he was asked would be given an answer based out of the Scriptures. No matter how hokey or crazy the other participants thought he was, it didn't matter – his answers were based on the Bible. I respected that! I watched a number of those Larry King shows and my respect for him continued to grow. I went to the Grace to You website and discovered I could download his sermons for free – I did! I then discovered that he had whole sermon series from the books of the Bible. Galatians, Philippians, Romans – I could get them all...and I did. I began to listen to him teach from a book starting at chapter one, verse one and continuing all the way through the entire book. This was the first time I had ever experienced anything like that. I began to see what God had to say to these specific churches about what was going on in them. It was so eye-opening! ALL the sermons I had ever heard were more often than not based on verses taken out of their context and used to speak to an issue going on in our lives today. Hardly any effort at all was made to exegete a specific passage and teach what was actually being addressed. MacArthur was completely different - he did EXACTLY that!

Over many months I continued to listen and learn. In the process I began to grow in the Lord. My knowledge of His Word increased and so did my love of Him. I began to see that loving Jesus can never take place unless one begins to learn sound doctrine. Divorcing doctrine from Jesus is an absurdity! We must worship God in spirit AND in truth – John 4:24. The huge blessing of discovering John MacArthur has been my growth in the Lord, beginning to really love the Word, and starting to understand what the books of the Bible are about.

Almost on the heels of this blessing has been the curse. In my growing understanding of the Word I've come to see how enemic the teaching in the churches I've been a part of has been. When I began to see how completely ignorant of the Word I was, the term “Biblically Illiterate” came to mind. There I was, standing in my own arrogance (those two whole years of Bible College, don'tcha know!) while all the while being completely illiterate when it came to doctrine. I fit right in with pretty much everyone else because we all were/are illiterate. Two years of Bible school and very little understanding of any of the Doctrines of the Christian faith. Almost two decades in the Church and very little understanding of any of the Doctrines of the Christian faith. The shepherd digging into the Word to feed the sheep is foreign. Shallow and superficial, cultural relevancy, social justice – these are what spews from pulpits Sunday after Sunday. The church has become one more social gathering that meets together to make itself feel better and to help the community. The curse is in seeing this taking place and not being able to do anything about it. In learning the Word and beginning to understand the plumb line of Doctrine I am seeing how far from that plumb line the church has moved...and it kills me!

I am not being facetious when I say that I am thankful to God for these. Raising up John MacArthur, a faithful man who ministers the Word of God in the face of hatred, antagonism and jealousy – and these come from within the Church! Year after year he has taught the Bible, chapter and verse, to the sheep God has given him to shepherd. God has used him to open my eyes to the truth of Scripture, to see how far I am not, and to call me to repentance. Because of this I see more clearly the wretched state of the church today. But I also know that God is sovereign over all, and that He is continuing to save His own. For this I am truly thankful!

This has been the blessing, and the curse, of discovering John MacArthur. And I thank God for this discovery!