Thursday, July 30, 2009

Discussions on homosexuality

I have recently involved myself in the giving of my opinion on the issue of homosexuality on the blog of a friend. This friend had started a discussion on this subject to open the lines of communication and engage in discussion about this as kind of an addition to some classes he is offering at his Church. It's pretty cool, actually, that the Church he heads is willing to tackle this issue and to not move into it with all guns blazing, "die homo die" kind of mentality that seems to be, at least behind the scenes, the real feeling of lot's of Christians. From what I can gather in his blog there are those in his church from this lifestyle. My friend invited all to share their comments but they had to do it by using their real names, no anonymous postings, and it had to be in the spirit of open communication. He would write a post and then people would comment on it. I couldn't resist so I offered my two cents.

My post basically entailed this approach: If we're Christians we must go to the Word of God and see what He has given us in His Word on this subject. It was not in a spirit of anger, antagonism or anything else. I also included some of my observations on what I have read about homosexual and lesbian people who say they are Christians and that God blesses what they are doing. My post was responded to by a lady who is a lesbian and from what I could gather, in a relationship with another woman. Essentially, she said that the Word of God was not clear on the issue, and that I have never known a gay or lesbian couple of faith and that she knows that when the two of them are together everything is right in the world and her life - they love each other.

I have gone back and read and re-read that post, and others after it, numerous times in order to understand it. I have come to some conclusions and I'm sure will reach other conclusions as I ponder it. #1 - I really do believe the Word of God is clear on the subject. I can't understand how anyone can read the verses associated with homosexuality and say the Word isn't clear. What I think, however, is that because this is such a huge part of a person's life (it's who and what they are) hearing that a loving God condemns this behavior puts them over the edge. #2 - I have never knowingly met a gay or lesbian couple who say they are Christians. I've know a few gay and lesbian couples, but none who are Christians. They are about as normal as anyone else is. And, the ones I have known are pretty nice people. #3 - I've no doubt whatsoever that this lady and her partner love each other. In fact, I would go so far as to say (of course I don't know them at all) that their relationship may even be more stable and "better" than a non-homosexual or non-lesbian relationship.

The thing is this: These last two realizations have NO impact on what scripture says AT ALL! Scripture should be a guide for our thoughts and actions, not vice-versa. If scripture says something I'm doing is wrong, how I think or feel about it NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED. As soon as this is posted it is immediately labeled as hate, intolerance, anti-gay, backwards, etc. In this day of tolerance there is very little of it when a person brings the Word of God to an issue - to ANY issue. When a person agrees with something there is smiles and warm fuzzies up the wazoo but when a person disagrees...bye bye tolerance. Now it's offensive and hurtful, and hate mongering and homophobia running rampant.

I do not hate people in this lifestyle. Those I have known, as I've said, are pretty nice people. But that has nothing to do with sin. I'm a nice person and I'm RIDDLED with sin! I'm in a committed, loving relationship and I'm full of sin! When my wife and I are together, all in my world is right, but I have the darkest heart on the planet. If what the Word says is ignored we're left with an "everyone did what was right in their own eyes" mentality. If the Word isn't clear on this subject then how do I know it's clear on another? The Word is the Christians guide for..."teaching, reproof, training in righteousness..." The Word is our solid Rock. I do not tell a person in this lifestyle that they're in sin because I hate them. I do not say that God condemns this behavior (it's not the only behavior he condemns) because I think I'm above them or want to hurt them. The Word shines the light on our sin and, hopefully when it is exposed we are driven to God. This is the point: To share the love of Christ with a person in the hope that they will see their sin and come to Christ in repentance and for forgiveness. This is true for a homosexual and a non-homosexual. However, if a person thinks they are doing nothing wrong, and are told they are only doing what God created them to do, and continues to ignore what scripture says then when the Word says, "God gave them over...", He really does give them over to it. I'm sure it's the most wonderful, blessed feeling in the world but those great feelings have nothing to do with what the truth of the matter is. We have what the Word says and if this is ignored, and the pleas of people calling a sinner to repentance or ignored then how long before God gives a person over? What must He do to make it more clear? As Jesus said, "If you don't believe what Moses wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" - John 5:46

I do not hate homosexuals. I'm not from the Westboro Baptist mindset ("God hates Fags!"). I just have to say that a person can bring the Word of God to a situation and speak on a subject or issue from the Word and it's not hate. The Word is clear. And Jesus Christ died to save sinners, the homosexual and the non-homosexual.