Well, as the title to this segment of Curtville alludes to, it's happened. What, you may ask, is "it's"? Let me tell you...
I have been slowly preparing, studying, reading...soaking, myself in the AAIA. That is, "Automobile and Accident Insurance Act". Particularly Part's 3 and 4 of "The Act" as it is known. Now these parts are very important to a person aspiring to become an Adjuster with SGI. My father, henceforth known as "dad", has been an active encourager of my studying. Actually dad has been pushing, cajoling, hinting and...(I can't think of another "and") me to study and learn this stuff. He has been a great help and has made it understandable, for the most part, to me. That's my dad! If it wasn't for him I would never have passed the written tests.
I had to write a few tests and passed most of them. In the end I was the last guy standing and then had to go for an interview. I sat before three managers and all the questions they asked me I was able to give them examples of my work in the homeless shelters in Calgary. The interview went really well.
I waited a few more days and received a call at home from my manager asking me if I wanted the position. I said, "You ding dang darn tootin' I do!" Well, I really said, "Yeah!" December 1 is my start date. I will have been with the company a little over four months and I've been moved up the ladder. A big raise and loads more responsibility AND another huge learning curve to ride, but I'm so looking forward to it.
So it's happened. The beginning of something cool that started with the end of something really crappy in Calgary. I never would have thought that when all that crappy stuff happened with my boss/hapkido instructor that it would have been the beginning of this really cool stuff here. The Lord Jesus Christ took all that shit, used the greed and manipulation of my old boss, and used it to bring all this about. This is living proof that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I can hardly wait until we get to heaven, until it happens!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A song for the eve...that's evening, y'all
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Music in the Church.
The last few Sundays we have been attending our old Church here in Curtville. It was where I attended when I first became a Christian all those many years ago.
It's kinda weird being back there. Lots of old, familiar faces and LOTS of new ones. One thing that has struck me in the few times having gone here since coming back to this part of the world is the music. It got me thinking of a conversation I had with a guy a few months back regarding music in Church throughout history.
The early Church's music was the Psalms. Singing the Psalms was a part of the worship service in the Church. Gradually the Psalms were replaced by Hymns. No longer was Scripture sang. It was replaced by songs that were still very good, but not the Word of God. In my time, Hymns have been replaced by Choruses. However, a Hymn or two can still be heard in a Church service depending on how many of the older generation attend or not. It seems that Choruses are the stuff of younger people, my generation so to speak. We've moved from singing the exact Word of God to something now that, if it were not for being inside a Church when it's sung, could easily be mistook for some quirky love song one would hear on some "Light" station on the radio.
Now I have to admit that I do not know of many Psalms that have been put to music. There are many Hymns that I love! Some Choruses are not too bad, in my opinion, however the majority of them tend towards the mushy, touchy-feely kinda stuff that turns me off. This trend though, towards man and away from God, is something that is not limited to just music but our/my whole life.
So what is better? Singing Scripture that doesn't have a good beat to it or singing a song written by man with good guitars and drums and such behind it? Sometimes something that sounds good may not be the best. I've a lot to think about...
It's kinda weird being back there. Lots of old, familiar faces and LOTS of new ones. One thing that has struck me in the few times having gone here since coming back to this part of the world is the music. It got me thinking of a conversation I had with a guy a few months back regarding music in Church throughout history.
The early Church's music was the Psalms. Singing the Psalms was a part of the worship service in the Church. Gradually the Psalms were replaced by Hymns. No longer was Scripture sang. It was replaced by songs that were still very good, but not the Word of God. In my time, Hymns have been replaced by Choruses. However, a Hymn or two can still be heard in a Church service depending on how many of the older generation attend or not. It seems that Choruses are the stuff of younger people, my generation so to speak. We've moved from singing the exact Word of God to something now that, if it were not for being inside a Church when it's sung, could easily be mistook for some quirky love song one would hear on some "Light" station on the radio.
Now I have to admit that I do not know of many Psalms that have been put to music. There are many Hymns that I love! Some Choruses are not too bad, in my opinion, however the majority of them tend towards the mushy, touchy-feely kinda stuff that turns me off. This trend though, towards man and away from God, is something that is not limited to just music but our/my whole life.
So what is better? Singing Scripture that doesn't have a good beat to it or singing a song written by man with good guitars and drums and such behind it? Sometimes something that sounds good may not be the best. I've a lot to think about...

Monday, November 10, 2008
The trains, the trains. The soothing sound of trains.
Well, Curtville has finally moved. Don't be fooled by the same web address and what you think you know about the impossibility, or lack thereof, of moving an entire ville. Trust me, it's been moved!
We are finally settled, somewhat, into our new house. This place is what I've always wanted - all 4 walls to be mine. It also has all those other things that loving couples discuss with each other about what would be great in a place if they could afford it. You know, things like - "Wouldn't a garage be awesome?" We have a 3 car garage. "A workshop that's heated would be KEEN!" We got one of those as well. "A huge yard that's sheltered where the neighbors can't look in and view us would be WUNDERFULL!" Yep, got it. And the icing on the cake - "In the middle of all this falling snow, wouldn't it be great to be sitting in a hot tub?" Oh yeah, baby! We have one of those as well!!! Hee hee heeeeee! It's like everything I've thought would be cool to have, we got.
We live in a quiet little village 6 minutes from Swift Current. It doesn't have that big city stink that Calgary has. It doesn't have the noise that Calgary has. There is no fear of what some whacko may do to your loved ones if they're enjoying a stroll down the street like there is in Calgary. Here people leave their houses unlocked when they leave for town. UNLOCKED!!! The lifestyle here is so different. Slow, quiet and wonderful. This is the kind of place that gets made fun of in the big city. Well, I say, make fun all you want and never come here. The more people discover what I have the more they will want to come. Then the place will get bigger, and noisier and faster and...and.
The only noise here is the chugging of the trains. Not too loud but it's there. The slow, deep rumble as it moves down the tracks toward the West. Ahh, so soothing. I think I'll go soak in the hot tub, even though it's not snowing.
We are finally settled, somewhat, into our new house. This place is what I've always wanted - all 4 walls to be mine. It also has all those other things that loving couples discuss with each other about what would be great in a place if they could afford it. You know, things like - "Wouldn't a garage be awesome?" We have a 3 car garage. "A workshop that's heated would be KEEN!" We got one of those as well. "A huge yard that's sheltered where the neighbors can't look in and view us would be WUNDERFULL!" Yep, got it. And the icing on the cake - "In the middle of all this falling snow, wouldn't it be great to be sitting in a hot tub?" Oh yeah, baby! We have one of those as well!!! Hee hee heeeeee! It's like everything I've thought would be cool to have, we got.
We live in a quiet little village 6 minutes from Swift Current. It doesn't have that big city stink that Calgary has. It doesn't have the noise that Calgary has. There is no fear of what some whacko may do to your loved ones if they're enjoying a stroll down the street like there is in Calgary. Here people leave their houses unlocked when they leave for town. UNLOCKED!!! The lifestyle here is so different. Slow, quiet and wonderful. This is the kind of place that gets made fun of in the big city. Well, I say, make fun all you want and never come here. The more people discover what I have the more they will want to come. Then the place will get bigger, and noisier and faster and...and.
The only noise here is the chugging of the trains. Not too loud but it's there. The slow, deep rumble as it moves down the tracks toward the West. Ahh, so soothing. I think I'll go soak in the hot tub, even though it's not snowing.

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