It has been quite a week here in Curtville. To say that the stress level has been a little ramped up would be an understatement. Our house went through a little bidding war. Well, you couldn't really call it a war. More like a clash or a small skirmish. In the end we settled for $100.00 more than we were asking - I'm calling that my Tim Horton's fund (though I'm not sure what Stacey or the girls would call it).
This week has been an endless wait (there's that word again, followed by excruciatingly no action) this week while the buyers got their ducks in a row and had the conditions waived. On Thursday I recieved a call from my Realtor informing me that one of the buyers' financing fell through and they had to put another buyer on the contract. He faxed me some stuff to sign and all was well from there. In the mean time, however, my ability to concentrate on my job was severely handicapped. That, coupled with my cool and calm deameanor (NOT!) lead me to have to escape the office and fall into the cool, refreshing world of a butter caramel iced cap from Timmy's. Everything was a little better after that.
Well, turns out a guy in my office got promoted and has to move away and it just so happens he has this REALLY nice, kick-ass house that he needs to sell. Now, I can't emphasize enough the kick-assedness of this house. Entirely updated, and I do mean entirely! Hardwood everywhere, 5 bedrooms, 3 car attached garage, heated workshop, HOT TUB (weeeeeeeee....), huge yard and in a small town 10 minutes out of Swift Current. I told him what we could give him if was interested and......he was interested! Once Stacey sees the place and gives it her okay we will start the buying process.
Today the house is sold. It's firm. It's real. It's SOLD!!!
So, I thought the stress and mind exploding stuff would end once the house sold. Now I'm finding it is still here but in a different form. Lawyers, appraisers, documents, insurance, etc., etc. This will have to be arranged for out here. Stacey will have to pack the place up (I and, hopefully, lots of friends will load the U-Haul), get the U-Haul, cancel all utilities and such, re-direct the mail, etc., etc., AND continue to homeschool the girlies.
It will end one day. But for now, OUR PLACE IS SOLD, BABY!!! MUAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!
Thank you, Lord Jesus.