Never was a truer phrase uttered than the title of this post. Sounds kinda dumb when I put it like that since it was spoken by God, Who IS Truth, but I write it as one who is in complete and wholehearted agreement with it.
Stacey and the girls left for the night to have a sleep over at her cousins while looking after her girls. This was Saturday night. Knowing this I called "the boys" and thought it would be great to have a little...umm...gathering. Yeah that's it, a gathering at my place. Well, one of the boys had family over so couldn't make it and the other boy (I know, 2 is not a lot of boys but they're MY boys and 2 of MY boys equal, at least, 10 of someone else's boys) couldn't make it due to having to play a gig that night. Sooooo, I spent the day alone and the night as well (since night inevitably follows day). Tears, BOOHOO, many sobs - it was terrible!
I got to thinking about this. Stacey has left with the girls before for much longer and usually I'm pretty good about it all. However this time was way harder. I pretty much sat on my duff in the basement on the computer, which is what I would probably have done had they been here. The weird thing is that it was...different. Just having them here makes me feel better, good, right. I don't have to be doing anything spectacular or exciting or out of the ordinary when they are here to feel this way. It's just having them HERE. This could sound kinda bad but it isn't: They make even my mundaneness better.
God was SO right! It is not good.